I fearfully glanced around me, half-expecting something evil and mean to pop out of the woods and maul us on the spot.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe. It won't attack you in your own territory. And if it does, the fiend is either more powerful than I originally thought, or a cocky prick," he chuckled.

"Do you know about the voices?"  I asked him.

Markus's eyes grew serious, "You have the voice?"

"Y-yeah, what do they mean?"

"I don't know a lot of it myself, but I know that if you have a voice, then you hold great power. It may not be needed right now, it may not be needed ever. I'm immortal however and likely to see it in my lifetime. It has something to do with this evil, only lately have I felt it growing stronger."

"What's your definition of 'lately'?"

"Uhmm.... 200 years?" he looked at me as if I had asked a stupid question.

"Oh, because that isn't long at all," I replied sarcastically.

"If you've lived as long as me that's like the blink of an eye for you."

That sparked my curiosity. Not knowing whether or not it was a touchy subject or not, I decided to ask anyways, "How long have you been alive exactly?"

"Haha, nosy are you? That's alright, I'd say... well, honestly, I lost count after 1,500 years."

I gaped at him, wondering if he was serious or not, "You're joking right?"

His facial expression told me he wasn't.

"I suggest that you go back to your, well, normal life. If you consider your life normal now. Pretend this conversation never happened. Well, tell Cameron you met Markus. We're friends. He knows everything I told you, save the information about the evil dude, chick, whatever the hell it is."

"You know, for something this serious, you talk about it pretty casually." I said.

"Well, I guess until this thing shows up, if it ever does, then there's nothing I can really do about it except talk about it. But yes, just go about your usual business. Get used to being a Werewolf. I don't think this thing will show up for awhile. My kind of awhile. But if it does, just hope that it doesn't show up in your time. I'll get a hold of you if anything else happens. And Morgan, be careful."

I was going to ask him what he meant, but he was suddenly gone.

Looking up into the sky, I realized that more time had passed then I had thought. The sun was setting, and the trees cast eerie shadows across the ground.

As I stepped out of the woods, Cameron came hurrying out of my house. I sighed as he came closer, "What're you still doing here?" The moon shown down, and the stars were out. I could hear the crickets chirping. To me, it was kinda romantic. "Uh-oh..." I mumbled.

"What?" Cameron asked me quietly.

"I-I met Markus..." I told him, instead of the thought about the setting being romantic.

"Oh... and?" Cameron looked worried, but then his face clouded with anger, and jealousy? "Did he hurt you?" he demanded.

"No! He explained everything to me, that's all," I told him.

His face softened, and he fingered a strand of my hair, "Good."

I blushed when Cameron stepped closer, his face looming over me. "Cam.. no.."

"Cam, huh? I like that," he whispered huskily.

His head leaned down towards me, causing me to take an intake of breath. I was supposed to hate him, but this was a new feeling. I didn't think Cameron was doing this just because we were mates.

"C-Cameron, we need to go inside," I whispered.

"Morgan! There you are!" my mother's voice came out of the darkness, and we quickly broke apart. I stepped away from Cameron, and hurried towards my mother. As I walked away, I heard Cameron take a deep breath. I took one too, just to steady myself.

I walked inside, and sat down for dinner. A couple minutes later, Cameron walked in and sat down across from me. I caught his gaze once and blushed, but I smiled when I saw that he was blushing too. My father looked at me, then at Cameron, and I could see a smile creeping onto his face also. I felt like banging my head against the table, or wishing that the floor would just open and swallow me whole.

After dinner, Cameron thanked my parents for dinner. He acted like he wanted to speak to me, but I just said "G'night." and took the stairs two at a time, glad to be distancing myself away from his suddenly intoxicating self.

Matthew was in his room, so I lightly knocked, and walked in.

"Come in sissy!"

"Hey bud, how was your day?" I asked, hugging him.

"Good, how was yours?" he hugged me back.

"Oh... I've learned a lot. Too much maybe. I need time to think." I told him because to him, this wouldn't worry him. He didn't understand.

"Well, I hope you figure things out," he told me softly.

"I will, don't worry." I smiled, and gave him one more hug, then left him to play with his toys. Walking out of his room, and into mine, I signed at the sight of my bed. It looked so inviting and warm. After I changed, I quickly climbed into my bed.

That night I dreamt that the evil was coming, and Markus and me were standing together, ready to face the danger. There was mist, and I could see the figure slowly walking towards us.

I looked at Markus, and as I watched him, his expression went from calm to shock, and then to a look of sadness. He looked at me, a sad smile on his face.

I looked back to the person we were going to face, and felt my blood run cold as I saw the familiar figure walking out of the misty air. His wispy blonde hair waved around and his eyes were no longer bright and happy, but filled with malice and anger.

"I'm sorry Morgan...." Markus whispered towards me, "I tried to save you..."

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