Forbidden Love between us. I am the werewolf and she is the vampire.~ONE SHOT STORY!~

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I sighed as I looked at the ocean.It's been a year since I last saw her.Heard her laugh, saw her smile, heard her chiming voice.I was different now.We could never be together.She was a vampire and I was a

werewolf.I remembered when we met.We were at a party and I was human then.When I was walking to my car a werewolf jumped me and took me to the forest.I was lost for 5 days, 5 days suffering in pain.When

I woke up I was different.I no longer needed my contacts everything was clear.I was faster than I ever was.I was stronger, newer,...better.I remembered Kyle's words.


"You are a werewolf so are we.We are here because of vampires."He took out a picture of a vampire.A female vampire.It was her.I saw her flowing black hair her black eyes, her pale skin.She was laughing in the picture and

you can see her fangs. I knew the second I saw that picture it was her, Kaili.I looked at the picture with hatred and disgust.It didn't feel like my own feelings.It felt like someone else, I look at vampires with hatred for

making me who I am.They are the reason for me not being a human anymore."She's so-"I started, but Kyle cut me off,"They use their beauty to trap you so they can kill you.They play with your mind making it seem like they are trying to help you and make you turn against us."I could kill every vampire I met but not Kaili.


I sighed as I stood us feeling the sand under my feet.The sun was setting making a nice view.I turned and ran into the forest trying to forget about her.I was a mile away from my house when I saw a flash and caught the

scent of a vampire.They are slightly faster than us but are pretty well

matched in a battle.I followed it still in my human form.When I was closer I saw it had long flowing black hair.It was a female vampire, I remembered

what Kyle said and told myself repeatedly not to fall for what she had for me.She stopped and was still as I came forward getting closer to her.She seemed so familiar and yet so different at the same time.She whispered

oh so softly I could barely make out the words."...No!"She turned around and looked at me.It was her, Kaili. My eyes widen in shock.She was different, I saw every angle of her, saw her blood red lips, which meant

she fed earlier, saw her black eyes with red at the corners of her eyes. I realized that I had my breath held for a minute or 2 and breathed in a big gulp of air.It was too sweet air that made my nose wrinkle. She just stood

there still as a statue and look at me."Sean."she said in her chiming voice and sounded better in my new ears.'She's the enemy!She's the enemy!'I chanted in my head.She took a step closer and I took a step back."I will

never hurt you not even if you are a werewolf."she said taking another step closer to me. Reflexively I took a step backward almost falling, but Kaili grabbed my arm. It sent a jolt of electricity up my arm and she slid her

hold from my wrist to my hand."I will NEVER hurt you Sean. I love you too much to do that. I have been searching for you all over the town.When I heard you got kidnapped I thought someone like me had kidnapped you

and-"I jerked my hand away from her and taking a few steps back. Her

arm dropped and hung by her side. Sadness filled her deep eyes She looked as if she were about to cry. She just kept staring at me and looked

down."And I thought I would never see you again. I thought you were going to be turned a vampire but instead you turned into a werewolf." she said in a normal tone but I could hear a bit of pain in her voice that

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