"Bumblestar, leader of BirdClan. Get off our territory," he spat. He took a step closer, sniffing her. "That's odd. You don't smell of the other clans."

            "That's because I belong to no clan!" she spat, knowing she could not give away the rebuilding of MoonClan to this tom. "I'm passing through, you mouse-brain."

            "Mouse-brain? That's clan talk. You are from a clan, aren't you?"

            "Fox-dung," she silently cursed. "I pick up slang from the cats around here. Let me through. I'm just passing by!"

            "Where are you going to?" he asked.

            "Somewhere that's not here," she told him. "Goodness, just let me through, cat!"

            "No one passes through BirdClan territory without an explanation," he warned her.

            "I'm a rogue heading through the forest. Leave me be!" she spat, knocking him down. "I'm not afraid to kill cats who get in my way," she said, tracing a claw over the tom's throat.

            "Fine, fine! You may pass, but if I catch you here again, we will take you prisoner," he spat.

            "Doubt that," she mumbled, passing by. Glad to be free of Bumblestar and the BirdClan cats, she began to run, heading towards Moonstone. She could see the cave up ahead, the bright blue light shining from it.

            "I'm almost there," she breathed, continuing to race through the woods. Her stomach churned though as she thought what would happen when she got there. Was Moonstar correct? Would she receive some lives?

            "Yes, you will," Hazelnose told yourself, slowing down as she neared the cave. The bright light seemed to blind anything near it, and Hazelnose even thought of turning around, feeling ashamed to enter a place of StarClan when she did not belong in such a place.

            "You're acting like a kittypet," she spat to herself, heading towards the cave. She watched as the stars faded, and she disappeared into the den. Inside, a bright blue stone sat in the center.

            Hazelnose slowly made her way towards it, hearing the tiny drops of water touch the cave floor. She jumped as she stepped on a twig. She laughed a little, coming towards the stone. There it sat- unharmed and perfect.

            "Moonstone," she whispered, gazing at the holy object. She had heard stories as a kit of the acclaimed stone, but she had never seen it in real life. It was even more amazing looking at it.

            With all the might she had, Hazelnose edged towards the stone, its light blinding her eyes. She stepped closer, touching her nose to the stone. Immediately, she felt a cool presence, and everything faded.

When Hazelnose could regain vision, she was not in StarClan, but in the Dark Forest, and her mother stood right in front of her.

            "Mother!" she gasped.

            "Hush, Hazelnose! I don't have much time," she growled. "We're fighting off StarClan's powers right now in order to give you your lives. I must give you your lives quickly."

            "Will I receive all nine?" Hazelnose asked.

            "I do not have enough power to give you all nine, but I will be giving you four. Use them wisely," Moonstar warned her.

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