Chapter 22

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It’s going to be a long ride ahead. We’re on tour together with Anna, Danielle and Eleanor. It was a pleasure having the girls with us and it was a happy moment when management agreed to it. Besides, we’re doing a stadium tour next  year; Anna is going to continue Uni with El and Danielle is going to continue her dancing.

Lying on the bed with a heavy sleeper Anna beside me which I can hear a little bit of snoring. Giggling a little too loud, I decided to go out of my bunk and head to the kitchen to eat. As I open the fridge, I got a bag of Lays, a can of pepsi, small sized nutella and a loaf bread; just in case I get hungry later on.

I went to our mini living room to eat when Liam came out of his bunk.

“I can’t sleep.” Liam said while giving me a evil grin.

“Me too. I know that face Liam, what’s on your mind?”

”Let’s do twitcam!” He said a little too loud.

“Okay. Get your laptop and I’ll tweet.”

He went back to his bunk and I got my phone out of my pocket and tweeted.

“@NiallOfficial: his bunk and I got my phone out of my pocket aielle is going to continue her dancing. in case I get hungry laterTwitcam with Liam in a few”

After I tweeted it, Liam already turned on the laptop and proceeded to twitcam. In just a matter of minutes, we got 20,000 viewers. It’s massive. We did shout-outs to some fans and followed some fans. I felt one door got open and when I turned around to see who it was, it was Anna.

“What are you two doing?” She asked and her voice was sexy.

“We’re having a Twitcam. Come and say hi.” Liam said.

She sat on my lap and waved hi on cam.

“Hi everyone. Hey Niall, am I too fat or too heavy to sit on your lap?” She asked me and we all laugh in unison.

“You’re beautiful.” I complemented.

“Am not.”

“Yes you are.”





“Get a room you two.” Liam finally got in in our conversation and we all laughed again.

All three of us kept on talking and waved goodbye afterwards. My phone buzzed. Oh! A notification, Liam tweeted something.

“@Real_Liam_Payne: notification, Liam tweeted something.

ed again.

s, it was Anna.@NiallOfficial and @Anna_Blark are fighting over food right now. There’s more in the fridge you guys”

I showed Anna the tweet and we both raced to the fridge. We got some crackers and pepsi. All of the boys woke up from their sleeps including the girls and not noticing the time, our driver told us that we just arrived in Manchester. I opened the curtains and I can see screaming fans outside the parking lot.

We went out of the tourbus. I got Anna with me. All of us, lads; signed some autographs, took pictures and after that we got inside out hotel.

After settling in, all of us decided to have a break time. Me and Anna decided to stroll around with “Elounor” and “Payzer”.

*the next day*

Niall and the rest of the boys will be having rehearsals for tonight’s show. The girls and I decided to come with them just to cheer and support. We arrived at the venue and it was a massive arena. Not to mention, it’s a sold out tour.

The girls and I decided just to stay backstage for later together with their staff. The boys started off their rehearsals by singing She’s Not Afraid.


She sneaks out in the middle of the night yeah

Tight dress with the top cut low

She’s addicted to the feelin’ of lettin’ go; oh woah (lettin’ go)

……. (continues the song until the end)

“You were amaZAYN?” We all laughed even though that was not even funny.

We all went backstage to eat. Sweets were all over the table and I ran towards it followed by Niall.

“You two. BEHAVE!” Liam commanded.

“Yes daddy direction.” Niall and I both said in unison and laughed; and then grabbed a handful of crisps from its bag.

*2 hours later*

“C’mon boys. Let’s do your make-up! Anna, can you hold Lux for me please?” Lou called for the boys and she handed me Lux. I just nod and brought Lux in her crib. The three of us girls are done with our light make-up by Lou. She’s good!

Harry got in to be styled first since he was just easy, followed by Niall, then Liam, then Louis and last but not least is Zayn.

“Boys, two minutes”

A man with a headphone said. Two minutes till the concert starts. After Zayn was done styling, the eight of us with Lou and Lux headed out. The girls, Lou and Lux just transferred to another room with a big flat screen TV on it while the boys ran to the stage.

We watched the boys perform on stage when it time for Twitter questions.

“Who’s single and who’s not?”

Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis raised their hands and that leaves Harry to be the only one single.

“What’s the last song you’ve listened?”

Niall: Stereo hearts

Liam: I think it’s How to Love, it was playing in the dressing room a while ago

Harry: I was in the tourbus with my earphones on and the last song I listened to is Heart Attack!

Louis: Harry and I shared earphones.

Zayn: I listened to Little Mix’s song DNA.

After the twitter questions, the boys have to sing their final song which is WMYB. All of us sang with them and danced. After finishing their song, they all waved goodbye to the fans and headed backstage to the where we are staying.

“Good show tonight!” Eleanor cheered.

Dani hugged Liam, El hugged Louis and I hugged Niall and kissed him congratulations. After that, we all headed back to the tour bus and headed back to the hotel.

Hey guys. I’m back from vacation. Sorry for not updating, really. Idk if I cliffhanged and sorry for the short chapter. It got deleted like twice and I have to revise it again. You can feel what I felt. HEHE! Twitter; @narrygirrrl =)) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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