Chapter 10 - Dinner feelings and One Direction

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My jaw dropped when I saw Niall standing outside of my door. He was so gorgeous I can't even describe what he looked like. By then, he giggled and offered a hand to me. He was truly a gentleman this night to me. We rode the elevator as quickly as possible for him not to be mobbed by fans but it was too late. Gladly, the hotel guards were there to accompany us in going to Niall's car.

---Niall's POV---

I told the boys that I was with Anna for dinner. After getting ready, I went outside her room and knocked, 2 minutes later, she opened door and when I saw her, she was god damn gorgeous. I offered her a hand so that I can escort her and went to the elevator. When we reached the ground floor, fans and paps were mobbing us. So thankful that hotel security helped us get through.

It was a silent ridegoing to the restaurant and since it was just near, I turned on the radio and stereo hearts was playing. Anna hummed with the music and I was just listening to her and she began to speak, "That's one of my favorite songs." She said while looking outside the window. "That's one of mine too!" I said with a cheeky grin. We both shared a giggle and by then we reached our destination.

Since it was a formal restaurant and it was highly secured, we went inside and straight to the receptionist. "Good evening Mr. Horan and to the beautiful lady you're with. Right this way please." The receptionist said as she led us our way to our table.

I took her seat out as she sat down and I went on the opposite side of the table. The waiter handed us the menu and we started choosing our food. "Good evening madame, sir. Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked as he got back and got us both water. "Erm, I'll just have lasagna with garlic stick on it and some white wine, please. What about you Anna?" I asked her as she talked to the waiter on what she's going to order. "I'll have the same." Anna said and the waiter walked away to get our orders.

This time, I'm just going to know MORE about her.

---Anna's POV---

We got inside this very beautiful and luxurious restaurant. I must say, Niall must've guessed that I love Italian food. We both ordered the same food and the waiter walked away got our orders ready and Niall started talking.


"Niall: So Anna, how's your stay in LA?"

"Anna: It's quite good, actually. How about you? How's your album tour?"

"Niall: It's tiring. It's stressing us out but we're thankful enough to have the opportunity. So, when are you leaving?"

"Anna: In two days. I have to study and manage my boutique there in London."

"Niall: Oh! That's good news. We're also leaving in two days. Coincidence! What time are you leaving?" Niall let out a little laugh. I think he was happy knowing that we will be leaving on the same day back to London.

Maybe I'll just tell him right away my flight details.

"Anna: Erm, my flight is 7 o'clock in the morning. First class." That's it. Don't tell me we still have the same.

"Niall: HAHAHAHA! Just like us. We always ride in first class so that we can relax." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

As I was about to talk, our food was already here. The waiter poured wine in our glass and handed us our dinner. We dig in without saying a word. After eating, we agreed on staying there for a awhile and kept our conversation going.

"Anna: Oh! Where were we?"

"Niall: I forgot. Oh well, what are you studying anyway?"

"Anna: Erm, I'm going to continue Politics and Business."

"Niall: That's great. So, I guess we can go now?"

"Anna: sure!"

---Niall's POV---

I paid our food and went outside. Luckily, there were no fans or paps outside. I took Anna for a short walk and I was thinking about telling her what I feel. Maybe it was the right time since we were just alone.

"Niall, where are we going?" Anna asked. "Ermmm, I was thinking if I can take you for a short walk?" I answered her putting a grin on my face. "Sure. Not a problem. *wink*"

We went to the park and since it was like 8 in the evening, it was dark and no one was there. We sat on a bench and she began talking.

~ Convo ~

"Anna: Niall, thank you for tonight. It was amazing. I haven't experienced this for a long time after my last break up. I'm so happy! I will never forget this evening Niall, thank you!" Anna said and then hugging me right away.

"Niall: I'm very much welcome Anna. I'm also happy knowing I made you happy too. If you don't mind, why did you and boyfriend broke up?" I hope it was not an annoying question for me to ask.

"Anna: I really don't mind. But just keep it a secret. Do not even tell a soul, you hear me?" Anna said and I raised my right hand to show her I really promise. "At first we were really happy together. It was perfect an everything. Even my family knows that I had a boyfriend. We dating for 10 months but just then, he was cheating on me with 2 girls. My friends told me to already break up with him but I didn't listen to them. Right then, he broke with me and I felt depressed after. So, I managed to move on and here I am, with you, happy and thankful."

I was really shocked when she said, 'here I am, with you, happy and thankful.'

"Niall: Well, that guy made a wrong decision. You don't deserve to be treated like that. You know what, I'd rather be a kid and play toys rather than be a man and play with a girls heart. But Anna, I just wanted to tell you something, right here, right now at this very moment." I told her with a big grin on my face. I feel like my face was starting to blush but I don't mind.

"Anna: What is it Niall?"

"Niall: I like you Anna. I really like you .... "


A/N: So guys, please read me story! Support please. Gonna update soon. Follow me on Twitter: @narrygirrrl. It's new 'cause someone hacked and deleted my account. Much love. Xx mwaaah! Follow. Vote. Comment. Like.

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