Chapter Thirty-One "REUNION"

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It' been a few days since Leraunt intercepted Blake and prevented him from betraying Nicholai's location to his father. Leraunt was still just as pissed off and as furious as ever. Not only did Blake's appearance force Leraunt to blow his cover, revealing that he was working against his own father, but it also placed everyone's life on the line.

Leraunt was extremely worried about his mother and his siblings. He had every right to be. Leraunt knew exactly what his father was capable of. Long before Nick was even conceived, the Supreme Dragon Lord had been a vindictive and cruel man, lacking in any kind of love or affection for his wife and children. Nick's conception and subsequent birth had only served to intensify his cruelty and vindictiveness to the extreme.

Leraunt was lying in bed beside his sleeping mate unable to sleep himself as thoughts of what his father would do to his mother and siblings plagued him. He knew that his father wouldn't hesitate to imprison and torture them all for information on Leraunt's whereabouts. After all it wouldn't be the first time that he had done so to any of them.

As Leraunt continued to lay there, his mind whirling, suddenly the sounds of people screaming and shouting in the distance reached his ears. Leraunt jerked up in bed and sat still, cocked his head and listened carefully for a moment. As the screaming and shouting intensified Leraunt's eyes widened in recognition of what he was hearing. They were under attack!

"Lyonel wake up." Leraunt whisper shouted as he shook his mate awake. Lyonel responded instantly to the urgency in Leraunt's voice.

"What is it? What's going on?" Lyonel asked, worry lacing his voice as he watched Leraunt hurriedly getting dressed in his battle armour. The sounds outside finally registered and Lyonel too sprang into action.

"We're under attack. You have to take the kids and get out of here." Leraunt gripped his mate's arms, staring into his eyes imploringly.

"Don't even say it." Lyonel interrupted. "I'm not leaving your side. I'll send the kids to my parents. They'll be safe in the land of the Elves, but I'm staying and fighting by your side."

Leraunt nodded and together they raced out of their bedroom and into the room that held their sleeping sons. They shook the kids awake and hurriedly got them dressed. "What's going on papa?" Leraunt's oldest son asked sleepily, fear creeping into his voice as the screams from outside grew louder.

Before Leraunt could answer his son he was interrupted by Blake "There's fighting going on. It sounds like someone is attacking!" Blake yelled out.

Leraunt looked over his shoulder at Blake, "We know. It sounds like my father has found us." Leraunt turned back to his sons and said "Everything will be alright ok. We're sending you to your grandparents. We'll come get you as soon as it's safe. Now take care of your baby brother. Know that we love you both very much." With that Leraunt and Lyonel kissed their sons and gathered them in a hug that held all the love, hope, dreams and fears that they had for their children. After a long moment Leraunt said to his mate "Open the portal."

Lyonel waved his hand, while saying an incantation in the language of the Elves, as he did so a shimmering light appeared right in the middle of the room. The light twisted and spiralled until it took form, showing an opening into another realm entirely. Lyonel and Leraunt gave their sons one last hug and kiss, knowing that they may never see them again, knowing that they could very well both die in the battle to come. They released the boys and pushed them through the portal. The two boys held hands, tears in their eyes as they looked back at their parents. Something inside the oldest boy was telling him that he may never see them again. Leraunt and Lyonel held their sons gaze until the portal closed.

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