Chapter Twenty-Seven "COMPETITION"

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I watched, completely stunned as my Dad Cameron, took the twink down right in front of me, before he proceeded to threaten an entire club of super naturals. I saw recognition dawned in their eyes, quickly followed by fear. They knew he meant every single word.

As my dad turned and ordered me to go with him, I said nothing. It had been a really long time since I had seen him filled with this kind of a rage. So I knew that now was not the time to further antagonize him. I followed behind him silently, as the crowd of people inside the club gave us a wide berth. As we exited, I could have sworn that I heard a collective sigh of relief from the people that we had left inside.

My dad's angry strides took him quickly over to the car. My eyes cut over to my motorcycle and I took an involuntary step towards it, only to be halted in my tracks by my dad's voice, "Don't even think about it. I said to get in the car now! I'll send someone from the mansion to come and pick it up." He growled out

I frowned at the back of his head. He hadn't even turned around, how the hell did he know that I had stepped towards my bike. I shrugged my shoulders and got into the passenger seat beside him. He didn't need to tell me to buckle up. I knew that when he was this upset, he drove worst than how I rode. The drive back to the mansion was down in silence and we made it back in record time.

As we got out of the car, I gave off a heavy sigh. I really didn't want to come back here tonight. I really needed some time, some space away from my mate. But clearly my dad had other plans in mind. My thoughts were interrupted by my dad saying, "Walk with me." I shrugged my shoulders and followed him across the front lawn, then he made his way around the mansion. We walked in silence, the moon wasn't yet up, but darkness was slowly settling on the landscape. The cool evening breeze blew gently against our faces and ruffled our hair. I tucked my hands in my pockets and followed silently behind my dad.

I knew where he was going. The Rose Garden. It has been his special place ever since I was a child. My dad always came here whenever he felt the need to relax, or just needed the peace and quiet to think. We walked right into the very heart of the garden, where my dads Hunter and Rafe had created a small man made pond. It came complete with a gentle trickling water fall and stocked with exotic fish. We all knew that this was my dad's Cameron special place.

"Sit." He ordered. We sat in  silence for a long while. Neither of us saying anything. The only sounds being those made by the creatures of the night, the gently flowing water and the wind in the trees. It was soothing, it was calming. I guessed that's why he loved to come here.

"You want to tell me what's going on between you and Nicholai. And what the hell you were thinking, going to that club tonight?" My dad asked eventually. I knew that, that was why he had brought me here. Whether I liked it or not, he was going to make me talk about what was going on, why we were arguing. I took a deep breath and sighed, I really didn't want to get into it, but I knew that I had no choice. My dad wasn't about to let me leave without getting to the bottom of what's really going on between me and my mate.

"It's nothing and it's everything." I began. I stared into the little pond and watched the as the fishes swam around. "And I just needed to get away from it all." I said dejectedly.

"You care to elaborate and tell me what exactly does that mean." my dad replied.

"It's like ever since Tristan came home from the hospital things between me and Nick has gotten worst instead of better." I said. "There is nothing but tension between us all the time. It's as if I'm walking around on eggshells, doing everything I can not to piss him off. Nick promised to give me a chance, to give us a chance. But instead all he's been doing is throwing my mistakes back in my face every chance he gets. Everything that I say and do in regards to Tristan is wrong." My anger at the whole situation was coming back swiftly the more I talked about it.

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