Chapter 16- The Flash...Again

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Happy Halloween!

By the time I got back to the hotel the sun was up, I had to take a sort of long way as I watched out for the Flash to come looking for me.

I wished I still had my hoodie but I will live, could always get another one but now isn't the time.

They first thing that happened when I came back to the hotel was Jason hitting me in the shoulder, "We were starting to get worried as Leo explained what had happened. You ok?" he asked now noticing that I didn't have my hoodie.

"Just great." I said sarcastically, "my favorite hoodie, gone, poof, The Flash has it now." I said frowning, "Anyway," I said changing the topic, "where are we moneywise?"

"We have enough for right now, we learned that for some odd reason Tony's card still works as far as we can tell. Apparently money can travel through universes." he somewhat joked.

"That's good." I said nodding thinking of a plan, "First order of business is finding somewhere where we can build and sort of machine to get us back home."

"Second order?" Nico asked

"I want to learn more about The Flash." I said, "Steve, Natasha, and Clint can help Nico and Jason find out more about the Flash, seeing how none of us really know science talk we'll let the nerds talk."

Everyone seemed fine with the plan and we went out to do the first order of business.

We found an abandoned warehouse and slipped inside, setting up a few things and getting things for the science geeks, including somewhat stealing some machines which I felt bad for, we let them hang out by a table to talk over the plan while we just sat and read on the current superheroes here.

"What now?" Jason asked as we sat back and blinked from looking at a screen for too long.

"I'm going for a walk, need to think and clear my head." I said walking toward the door.

"Be safe." Jason advised.

"Yes mother." I joked as he walked out.

I breathed in the air as he finally thought it was sometime in autumn, not too cold but not too hot either. It was nice.

Stuffing my hands in his pockets I started to walk around the place, I really wasn't worried about The Flash and I really needed to I could Vapor Travel away.

I was by a sewer when a sort of voice tried to get into my head. But because of Hera's blessing I knew it was there, "Come down. Come down into the sewer." it was saying.

I looked around but then focused my gaze on the sewer, narrowing my eyes I slipped my hands under the sewer lid and pulled up.

I wasn't following the voice because it told him to, I was going down there because of curiosity.

AS my feet hit the wet pavement that was along the dirty water and 'listened' to the voice telling me where to go.

When I got to a open sort of area I  stopped moving especially when I saw a man down there (It's not Joe relax, this is some point in Season 2). Moving forward, I untied to man and tried to wake him.

But the man was soundly asleep, but it was more trance like. That's when I realized the voice was telling me to stop and I literally ignored it.

Turning around at a heavy sort of grunt I came looking upon a large monkey...well ape really. "You do not listen, why?"

I just stared at it, "I can't tell if I should be freaked out or be in awareness." I said outloud.

"You have not answered question." The ape said in my head.

"It's a power of mine. "I said with a shrug, "what's your name?" I asked

"Name is Grodd." The ape said

"Why is he down here?" I asked indicating toward man.

"Trespassing, must die." Grodd said moving toward the man but I stepped in front of him putting my hands up, "Now, now big guy. You see, I can't exactly let you hurt this man. His family would miss him, and I know a thing or two about a worried family. My name is Percy." I said

"Man Trespass must die." Grodd said trying to get by me but stopped when I made my eyes burst into green flames but then stopped, "Can you please let him live, I'm sure he doesn't mean to trespass."

Grodd looked conflicted, "Master said trespassers must die." Grodd said

"I'm a trespasser but I'm not dead. And I'm sure your master is confused right? He said trespassing, I'm sure this man was just making sure your home was safe for you. A concerned citizen yes?" I asked hoping the ape would see my somehow logic.

Grodd seemed to think about it, "Grodd let little man and man go. Grodd must go now. Do visit again. Master only said stranger trespassers must die, you friend." with that Grodd turned away and started to walk away.

I sighed and wrapped one of my arms around the man, underneath his armpit and the other one hanging onto the arm I put over my shoulder, "Why can't adults lay off the donuts." I panted.

I started to move toward the exit but before I could get very far I only just noticed that there was a figure leaning against the wall, something around his head and I groaned, "Oh great. It's you."

"You know most people would be thrilled to see The Flash." the man himself said as he moved closer.

I tried to step back but almost ended up falling because of the man, The Flash put his hands up, "Relax, let me help you. I doubt you can get him out of the sewer anyway."

Taking a deep breath I let The Flash take the man who was wearing a worker's uniform off my shoulders and onto his, "Thanks." I said rolling my right shoulder where the man mostly leaned against.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Or so I've been told by my friends. You said you needed the money, what for?" The Flash asked

I was having an inner debate, if I didn't tell him then he may make problems for my friends and I. If I told him there was a possibility that they could help. Or they could not believe us and lock us up. Taking a chance I said, "We were brought here by a guy called Count Paradox, from one earth to an entirely different one." I said my shoulders shagging.

"Honestly, I've had to much in my life to deal with the crap so I really just want to go home. Any chance you could help?" I asked my eyes turning begging.

I really was sick and tired of all the death and destruction in my life that I want a retirement from it all, even if it was just a few weeks or less than a year. Anything away from the devastation in my life would be good.

"Why don't we talk and from there we can decided?" The Flash asked

I nodded, it sounded responsible, "Ok, where are we going?" I asked as The Flash opened on of the sewer lids and climbed out, me following behind him.

"Star Labs." The Flash said

"Where?" I asked totally confused.

He hesitated, "I'll show you once I take care of this guy. I'll be back in 30."

Literally 30 seconds later The Flash was back and I was blinking my eyes, "When you said 30 I'm guessing you meant seconds." I deadpanned

The Flash just smiled and before I knew it I was swept off my feet and the wind was blowing through my hair.

Than it stopped and we were outside a sort of lab area, "This is Star Labs." The Flash said

I nodded and took a breath, "Ok, let's get this over with." With that I followed The Flash into the building.

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