05: May the Truth Reveal Itself

Start from the beginning

I clicked on it, and it led me to soundcloud.com. Justin Bieber's profile loaded with a numerous amount of songs.

All In It
Been You
Mark My Words
All That Matters
One Life
Bad Day
Swap it Out

"Swap it Out? Wasn't that the title of the song Jay gave Trinity?" I asked.

I quickly clicked on it and a "Sw-Sw-Swa" was heard in the cafe.

"Open up the me, that's all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap mine out with you"

I looked at Max.

"These are the exact same lyrics."

"Aww man..." Max said.

"So did Jay hear this song, copy the lyrics down onto a sheet of notebook paper, before sending it to Trinity?" he asked.

"It's a possibility," I said.

"Does Trinity even know about this soundcloud account?"

"She never brought it up," I said.

Suddenly, I remembered the voicemail Trinity played for us the other day.

"You remember Jay's voicemail we heard earlier? Do you think it sounds similar to this guys' singing voice?" Max asked.

I hummed in thought. "Kind of."

"Okay, so Justin Bieber makes music, and his singing voice–kinda–but doesn't really sound like the voicemail," Max said.

"You forgot he's crazy talented," I said.

Max jokingly rolled his eyes. "Okay, true. But I still don't understand why Jay wouldn't have his music link in JDB94, but it's in justinbieberr," he said.

"You're right. Plus, the justinbieberr account has more photos, and Yovanna on his account, but JDB94 doesn't. He has Trinity in his bio, but he-gosh...This is so confusing!"

Max was probably just as lost as I was.

"Yovanna is our only hope right now," he said.

*4 hours later*


"Tilapia is just as good as salmon," Nev said.

"Ehhhh, I beg to differ."

"We've been arguing over this for 5 minutes now. I'm getting hungry."

"That's why you have two hands, so-"

Nev's laptop made a noise.

"Someone's trying to FaceTime me," he spoke.

I quickly grabbed my camera and turned it on.

I pressed the record button and nodded, telling Nev it was recording. He answered the FaceTime call.


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