02: Help!!

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I took a deep breath, before I opened up my laptop.

I'm really about to do this. I've been waiting too damn long. It's time.

I went to my Gmail account and clicked 'compose'.

To: catfishnev@gmail.com
Subject: Please please please please help!!!!!!!


"That's a lot of 'pleases' and exclamation points," I told Max. We shared a laugh, and he positioned his camera towards the MacBook.

I clicked on the email, and the occasional long paragraph showed up.

"Hi Nev and Max! I'm Trinity Portland, and I'm having trouble with my boyfriend, Jay. We've been dating for almost 3 years, and we have never met or even video chatted. He's come up with so many excuses to not meet me or FaceTime me. It's been almost 3 years. Please help me find him? My Skype account is trinportlandd . Xo - Trinity" , I read out loud.

I've heard this story so many times, but I wanted to help this girl. This one might be interesting.

"Wow. Almost 3 years?" Max asked.

"Exactly. There has to be something up. Are you willing to help Trinity?"

"Hell yeah. Let's reach her," Max said said. I opened up the Skype app and added her as a friend.

A few minutes later, she added me back.

"Let's see what's up with this Jay guy," I said. I clicked the Call button and patiently waited.

It said connecting...

Suddenly, a girl with purple hair and brown skin appeared on my screen. She was super gorgeous.

"Woah!" Max said.

"You must be Trinity," I said with raised eyebrows.

"I am. Hey, Nev. This is so weird. I'm so used to watching you on television," she said and giggled.

"I bet." I chuckled.

"Where's Max?", she asked. I shifted the laptop, so she could see him.

"Hey, Max! You look good," she exclaimed.

"Hello, Trinity, and thank you!", he replied.

"So how are you Trinity?", I asked her.

"I'm fine for now."

"But you'll be even better when you meet Jay, right?", I asked.

"Yes! Definitely! That's why I need you guys' help," she said and smiled.

"Well we're here. Tell us more about him. What site did you meet him on?", I asked.

"Well, it all started on Twitter. He messaged me saying hi, and I of course replied back. He was cute. I didn't really know who he was, but we surprisingly clicked. From there, we talked almost everyday. Things escalated, and we ended up liking each other."

"Who confessed first?", I asked.

"He did. He said it right before he hung up."

"Oh, so you guys have talked on the phone?", Max asked.

"Yes," she replied.


She was done telling us part of her story.

"Do you guys think that he's real?", she randomly asked.

I pursed my lips together.

I personally believed that he was fake, but I couldn't jump to conclusions.

"There's definitely a possibility. We always want to keep a positive mind. We'll look into this more, but first, we want to meet you. Will that be a problem?", I asked.

"No, not at all!"

"Okay, so text us your address. You live in Atlanta, am I right?", Max asked.


"Okay. We'll email you our numbers."

"Okay! Thank you guys so much! Bye!", Trinity said and waved.

"Bye! See you later," I said. Max and I waved back, and the call ended.

We sighed and looked at each other.

"I have a real good feeling about this," Max spoke.

My eyebrows raised. "We just have to wait and see."


This update was lame y'all sorry. It'll get better I promise :)

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