Chapter14 Nightmares, Past And Icecream

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I handed the phone over to dad. He and mom went in to their room. Minutes later they emerged out, with dad totally red in the eyes and mom was crying uncontrollably. Her whole body shaking as she broke down on the floor. I rushed by her side and sat her up on the couch. Dad was nowhere to be seen and then I heard the engine of our car go on and him leaving from the driveway.

"Mom. Are you okay? Whats wrong?" I asked, tears were threatening to make their way out but I needed to stay strong for her. "Mom? Please tell me. This is eating me up!" I shook her by the shoulders, as she just cried more and more. "H-Harry, he j-jumped off a b-building..." thats all she could say and I froze in place. She hugged me with whatever was left in her and I cried into her shoulders.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours and I guess I fell asleep on the floor and woke up to the ringing sound of the home telephone. I immdiately got up from the floor and rushed towarrds the receiver, picking it up. What more could go wrong?

I had already lost my brother. For what reason I didn't know, but he was gone. Never to return again.


Its all my fault, I thought as I sat down on the floor, supporting my frame over the foot of the bed, hot tears still streaming down my face. I never cry. It makes me feel weak and helpless. This was one of the things I hated. Letting out those tiny pearls of salt water, I hugged myself burying my head in my knees. I need to get away from these nightmares. Every year mom and me would spend this day at home, not really doing anything, just being there for each other. And later in the evening, I would do stuff which I shouldn't really be doing. It was only to take my mind out of things. I would go clubbing, drink till I passed out, get involved in meaningless fights, bets, illegal bike racing. But this year, I wanted to change things. No doubt I blamed myself for what happened, but I would go mad like this, especially when mom wasn't here and I would definitely not let Everly miss school just because of me even if she agreed to. I can't go to school tomorrow, I just can't.

Thats what I've been doing. Running from this day, running from those painful memories. I wish mom was here. Not for me. But for her. I just wish I could comfort her for the rest of the day. She's very strong as a person, stronger than me. But I guess for today, both of us will need a helping hand.

I should probably call and check up on her in the morning. Wait. Its supposed to be a Saturday today. It means I can officially miss school, and Eve can be with me too. I really need her. Its been a total crazy week and a long one too. I realised how many things these past few days have changed. It was all because of Jacob. I'm really tired of letting it go and being super-glad to him for saving my life and all that shit, but it would be easier if he wasn't here in my world. Well, chuck him. I can handle an extra hater in my life right? Anyway, these changes don't matter anymore. It was that one change, which changed my world upside down. Harry's death and later dad's.

I looked at the small digital clock kept on the nightstand. It read 3:14 AM. Still a long way to go until sunrise.

I got up from the floor and walked into the bathroom once more. Stripping myself, I turned on the shower. Hot steams flew through the blue room as I stepped under the water and let it wash off the bad memories. As the hot water ran through my body, I felt my muscles relax under it, but as much as I wished, it couldn't do the same with my mind. With my thoughts.

I got out of the bathroom after a good one hour and half. Drying my hair, I pulled them up in a high pony tail. Getting dressed in a sweat shirt and leggins I put on my nikes and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Nice that I brought my clothes here before sleeping over. I stuffed a small towel, my phone and headphones into a medium sized side-pouch.

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