9. Lukes proposal

Start from the beginning

Luke takes out his foundation and starts applying it to his face to hide his acne. He always felt so insecure about his acne.

After Luke's done applying foundation he puts on some eyeliner. He doesn't make it too bold because he doesn't want to put in the effort. After a couple rounds of removing and reapplying the eyeliner he finally settles on the fourth attempt.

Luke then takes out some mascara and applies it twice so his eyelashes look nice and long.

Finally Luke takes out his eyeshadow and lightly applies it so it wouldn't be too dark for his liking. The look he's going for is casual, not drag queen.

Luke brushes his hair and puts some hair spray in it, and when he's done he spays some of his favourite perfume on his outfit. It smelled like coconut.

Luke texted Calum when he was done to tell him he was ready and unlocked his door. A few moments later calum shows up in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that he probably stole from Luke.
Calum looks up from his phone from where he was standing in the doorway and looks straight ahead at Luke and started blushing for some reason.

Calum looks down at the floor and smiles adorably. "You look beautiful today" Calum says so quietly that Luke could barely here him, but he did here him and he's glad because now he was feeling more confident than ever.

"And you look adorable in my sweater" Luke replies giving a wide and genuine smile, "You can uh come in if you want" Luke says clearing his throat. He was feeling silly for swooning over Calum like that

Calum smiles and walks in to sit on Luke's bed "So, what's up?" Calum asks

"Nothing. I was on Twitter because there's some stuff happening in the one direction fandom but then you wanted to talk. Apparently there was suppose to be an announcement and it might be an announcement saying Larry is real, but I will never know now because you wanted to talk to me. I hope you know you just ruined my life Calum." Luke says seriously

"You're being so dramatic. There's a one out of three thousand chance Larry's real Luke, I mean Harry's had girlfriends and Louis went out with elenaory for like a year or something" Calum replies

"It's Eleanor, and please don't mention her when we're talking about Larry" Luke says angrily and placed his hand over his heart as if it hurt his feelings, and honestly it probably did.

"Whatever. Can we just talk about us now." Calum asks seeming to be more shy than when he was just seconds ago

"What do you need to know? We both like each other so why can't we just date?" Luke asks smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

"It's not that easy" Calum sighs.

"And why not?" Luke asks running his hands through his hair

"well because- I- I don't know."

"See what I mean? It is that easy" Luke smiles.

There was a short pause and Luke got off the bed onto the floor and went on one knee, while Calum bursted out laughing. Calum covered his face with his hand to try to stop his laughing, "Calum Thomas Hood, will you do the honour of being my boyfriend?" Luke asked.

Calum was blushing because Luke Hemmings just asked to be his boyfriend, his heart was beating rapidly and he was smiling. I guess he knew this would happen at one point but not so soon, I mean they only just confessed their feelings a little while ago and now their going out.

"Yes, I will be your boyfriend" Calum replies, and Luke gets off the floor to hug Calum.

"Am I interrupting something?" Michael asks from the door way.

"How long have you been standing there?" Lukes asks embarrassed.

"Long enough to see you guys hug. The band meeting started like five minutes ago guys, hurry up. I got out of bed for this" Michael groans.

Calum laughs at Michael's laziness "okay just give us a second"

Just as Michael turns to walk out the door Calum calls out to him "Michael! Wait I have to tell you something" Michael turns around and waits for Calum to start speaking.

"Luke just proposed to me" Calum goes into a fit of giggles.

"What" Michael replies clearly confused.

"We're not like getting married or anything, he just asked me to go out with him. He got on one knee and everything" Calum says, smiling at Luke and Luke smiles back.

"Dude, that's great" Michael says and does the fake at smile he could possibly make. Honestly Michael was jealous that Calum was going out with Luke but he couldn't stand in the way of their relationship.

Luke didn't understand why Michael didn't look genuinely happy for that but he just shrugged it off because him and Calum were finally going out.

1500 words wow what.
I've been working on this chapter since last night so I hope it's good, I put a lot of work into it.
Do you guys think there should be at least a little bit of texting every chapter or almost any chapter? Leave your thoughts.

Thoughts on Luke "proposing" to Calum?

Thoughts on Michael being jealous?

Thoughts on them hugging and not even kissing?

Be patient they will kiss eventually :')
Anyway, vote and comment

oh and i forgot, the boys all have their separate houses but they mostly just stay at lukes so its kinda like they live with luke. luke is 19 so he has a house of his own. theres four bedrooms so yea. i also forgot that calum has a big mouth and told luke, michael and ash like him so ya i will somehow try to make it work out in the end. just pretend it makes sense when you're reading it ok.
wow I'm a horrible writer I'm so sorry

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