His Ninja Way(chapter 11)

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We should be close now... To the place the Mist brothers will ambush us.

I don't want that 'prodigy ' Sasuke to show up Naruto. We've grown a mutual hate for each other, always trying to make each other look bad.

I don't think I can hold back if I see Sasuke's smirking at the frozen shaking Naruto. I'll have to teach a lesson he won't soon forget.

Kakashi stares at all of us and starts to speak.

"Ok, we should be almost there. Stay sharp though we're on enemy territo-", Kakashi is cut off as he his suddenly trapped by spiked chains wrapped around his body. He begins to struggle but the two ninja holding each end the chain yank it towards the ground squeezing the now lifeless impaled Kakashi's body.

We all stare in horror as Kakashi's body slumps onto the floor. Sakura screams, and Naruto kneels down and puts his hands on his heads.

I shake my head vigorously. This isn't real. It's just Kakashi's substitution jutsu. I need to focus on protecting our client, but still..... It looks so real and if Kakashi's really dead, how can I defeat these guys if Kakashi couldn't?

I break from my mental bickering as Sasuke call Naruto.
"Naruto! Snap out if it! He's after you! "

Oh no....

Naruto tries to scramble himself up but trips over a tree root.
As Sasuke runs to Naruto's aid I quickly catch up with him and trip him up. I can't let him show up. Satisfied from hearing Sasuke grunting as he hit the floor and his angry cursing I run even faster desperately trying to get to Naruto before they do.
. I had begins to shake as I think of what would happen if these guys were to catch. I may be acting all brave now but inside I'm quivering just as much as Naruto, but the adrenaline coursing through my veins is keeping my crybaby self at bay.

Third Pov

Just when the chain is inches away from tearing Naruto's back. Haguromo punches the two ninja with his chakra infused hands in the center of their now charred burnt stomachs. The impact sends them flying into nearby trees in the forest.

Hagoromo drops to his knees panting. "My heart can't get used to this tension" he thinks, although every mission makes him want to puke at every given second, he somehow gets through.

Naruto slowly lifts his head up to see Hagoromo sitting cross-legged beside him grinning. "Yo" he says giving him a salute.

Naruto meekly turns his head away. Hagoromo stops grinning. "Naruto, is there something wrong?" he asks with a worried voice.

"Why am I the one to freeze up? Naruto thinks. "We've been ninja for weeks now and it's me that's still freezing up!"

Sasuke jogs towards the two boys. "What the hell Hagoromo!" he shouts. He had a good mind to give him a good knock across the face. "Why dud you trip me up? I was trying to save Naruto as well! If you had let me help, Naruto wouldn't be poisoned you idiot!" he gestures to Naruto's swollen left hand.

Although he would never admit it, Hagoromo knew he had made a mistake. He just tuts and looks away.

"Damn it!"Naruto's shout stops Sasuke's bickering. Everyone all turn towards a nearly sobbing Naruto.

"Why am I always the one who gets saved?I'm a genin just like both of you, so why am I the deadweight? Damn it..... If I keep on being like this I'll never be Hokage."He cleans his tears wuth his sleeve.

"Naruto.... "Hagoromo thinks. He never thought how Naruto felt when Sasuke and him came to his rescue. He must feel like trash. Hagoromo mentally facepalms.

Just when Hagoromo is about to speak, a puff of smoke appears beside us and an unharmed Kakashi steps out giving us a playful salute. "Yo, sorry I didn't come sooner. I just didn't think Naruto would freeze up like that". Hagoromo glares at Kakashi, if he keeps spouting rubbish I'm going to have to teach a lesson.

Hagoromo chuckles quietly, "what am I thinking? Kakashi would take me out instantly.

" Now, Naruto we're going to have to get that poison out if you're hands and fast. It's most likely that'll spread through your body within the next five minute. This may hurt, we're going to have to cut that hand of yo--".

Naruto ignoring Kakashi stabs his kunai right into his hand. "Never, never again will I back down. From now on, this will be my ninja way. Believe it!

Everyone stares at him and then says the same thing at sane time." Idiot ".

Sakura hits on his top of his head." Naruto, you idiot! The cuts too deep. At thus rate you'll due if blood loss!"

"What! Sakura-chan, save me". He. Begins to freak out as everyone continues walking ignoring the screaming blonde.

Hagoromo stands there staring at Naruto grinning. "If only they knew this reckless kid will be the most dependable person in a fight they'll meet." he thinks.

Keep chasing your dream if hokage.... Naruto.

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