Introducing The Troublesome Trio

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The Titans and Titans East all looked over to where Kid Flash and Speedy were both catching their breaths next to their emotionless leader.

"Okay," Robin wheezed, a wild smile on his masked face, "Remember when we dyed the-"

The two remaining teens were already starting another laughing fit, seemingly already knowing what Robin was about to say next, "Wait! Wait! Remember when we were on that one mission and Robin snuck up behind Flash and scared him so hard he-"

"Yes!" Speedy exclaimed, "Or that one time when we snuck out and went on our first mission unsupervised and GA got so petrified he-"

The confused remaining members of the team stared in astonishment as the trio burst into laughter once more. They had been going on like that forever, telling incomplete stories that only they understood as if they had known each other a lifetime.

"What're they talking about?" Bumblebee asked.

"Why don't we just ask?" Cyborg suggested and the teams walked over to the little group. Speedy was sitting on the loveseat, Robin sitting on the floor by his feet and Kid Flash sitting on a chair he pulled up.

"Stop playing with my hair, Speedy!" Robin snapped, shoving the boy's hand away from his head.

"Not a chance," Speedy smirked and rebelliously tussled Robin's spikes.

"I swear Speedy," Robin warned, "do that one more time..."

He did it.

"That's it!" and Robin launched himself from the floor and tackled the archer.

"Flash Boy, a little help," Speedy shrieked, awfully defending himself as much as he could.

"On it!" Kid Flash saluted and sped over to his colleagues, getting lost in the tangle of limbs and petrified shrieks. Nearly three minutes later, Speedy had gotten Robin in a head lock and Kid Flash was restricting Robin's feet from kicking.

"No fair!" Robin shouted between the cackles of his teammates, "You double teamed on me! That's totally against the rules!"

"Is there a certain rulebook we should've read?" Speedy taunted.

"Yes! I even wrote it after you guys did the same thing four years ago!" Robin snapped.

"Oh..." Kid Flash smirked, "That is such a..." he snickered, "Dick move!"'

"Damn you!" Robin cursed and began struggling harder, "Don't you dare start with that again!"

"Oh, I'm starting with it!" Kid Flash grinned, "And I'll take it all the way, Golden Boy!"

"No!" Robin shrieked, "Don't! Anything, but that stupid nickname!"

"Sorry, Bat Brat!" Speedy added

"I. Will. Destroy you!" Robin yelled and finally broke free with a jerk of the elbow in Speedy's gut. He dropped Robin with a profanity and Robin fell to the ground, straight on his head. He instantly bolted to his feet and was about to strangle Wally right before the fasted teen alive was gone in a blur.

"Mark my words, Kid Ignorant: You won't live to see your next villain!"

"What's happening?" Beast Boy asked in amazement. He wasn't sure he had ever heard Robin laugh, nevertheless laugh so hard he was wheezing!

"Just chilling," Speedy smirked, regaining his composure, "Damn, he has a hard elbow."

"What do you mean, 'just chilling'? Robin doesn't, 'just chill!'" Aqualad pointed out.

The Troublesome TrioWhere stories live. Discover now