Instead of taking a turn towards our side of Peach Creek, he turns towards the upper woods where no one really goes. I start to get nervous, really not getting what's going on.

"Kevin, where are we going?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"You'll see." He says stiffly.

I close my eyes and try to relax, trusting Kevin with whatever he's doing. It's not like I had anyone to go home to, so I let the detour go. After about 10 minutes of driving I feel the car come to a complete stop and I hear Kevin exhale as if he's been holding in a breath for an hour.

"We're here." He announces.

I open my eyes to see a fenced in sightseeing cliff that looks over all of Peach Creek and the town next to us.

"This is amazing, Kevin!" I say, sitting up and looking out the windshield.

"Yeah, I thought you should see it. I've spent a lot of my nights out here in my later years." He mutters.

A long pause sits in the air before I finally decide to say something.

"Kevin?" I ask.

He looks over at me and doesn't respond verbally. The look in his eyes showed grief and stress that'd seemed to have been there for years.

"There's some stuff I need to know, isn't there?" I say slowly and calmly, since he's very sensitive at the moment.

He sighs and drapes himself over the steering wheel.

"Yeah." He says, leaving a long pause before continuing. "I shouldn't have yelled at Nat. It's not his fault." He whispers to himself.

He leans back calmly in his seat and then suddenly punches the steering wheel out of no where.

"I'm such a fucking idiot!" He yells.

I unbuckle my seat belt and grab his arm, holding it down and keeping him from doing anything severe to the vehicle and to himself.

He grabs me by surprise and pulls my scrawny body onto his lap and starts to sob into my shoulder. I hug him tight, wishing I can take this unknown pain away.

"I've made so many mistakes in my life, Edd." He gasps out. "And I don't know how to fix any of them or relieve myself of this never-ending guilt."

"Just talk to me, I will never judge you." I said to him coolly .

He takes his head out of my shoulder and looks at me.

His eyes were teary and his face was drained of any and all color.

"Promise?" He asks.

"I promise." I smile.

And just like that, everything came out of him.

"I used to be a huge party person, that's how I would spend my weekends. I went from home to home, town to town. Wherever there was a party, I was there." he paused and recollected himself before continuing. "And what I would do at these parties was just... horrible. I'd drink heavily and try to get my hands on any drug available, getting fucked up and taking home some girl to mess around with in the process. But in the end, I still wasn't satisfied." He started to cry again.

I took off his hat and ran my hand through his hair, trying to get him to calm down.

"Why... why did you do all of that?" I asked, not really sure of what to say.

He pulled himself off me again and took some deep breaths.

"It was around the 8th grade when I started to do all that, but before hand my dad was gone a lot because of his job and my mother got sick with pneumonia. I was a good kid then, I cooked, cleaned, and did all of the laundry, made sure mom got her meds, and participated in school. Although it was a lot for a kid to take care of, I wasn't stressed or unhappy. I kind of felt like I had a use in the household." He chuckles and wipes his nose. "Wow that was depressing."

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now