The Co-Workers: Gary & Thomas Ch. 12 Act 1

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(((Okay, I'm going to push myself and make all other chapters from here on, as long as possible, thanks M. Thom.)))


I took a deep breath, I had the brown envelope in my hand. It all came down to this, all the thinking and writing I was doing for the passed week would all come down to this moment. I changed my will, number, credit cards, bank issues, and what not. All was just work for no reason, I put the envelope in the mailbox- within a day or so. I'll be a divorced man, a gay one at that. I had to inform my boss of my new lifestyle, my parents also. I needed to tell them before Sherry did, god knows what esle that women would had said, or added.

I walked back to Hank's house, oh- I mean our house. Me coming out to my parents we're easier then my boss in fact, they didn't care who I got with, they just wanted Sherry gone. On the other hand, my boss thought I was going to "work my moves " on him and his 10 yr old son. Never knew I was a sick fuck. I explain to you Hank, and Sherry. He quickly apologized for his mistake. This was a well paying job so I made no fuss, as long as he understood now. Time passed by so suddenly, I was already home. I grabbed my key and opened up the door. Only to find Hank in a fitz, trying to put his left shoe on, as his tie was in his mouth. He noticed my presences. "Billy! Start the car! Bbq! Gary's! Now! Late! " He said, putting on his tie. I got in the car after figuring out what he meant. A bbq party at Gary's house. He quickly got in as we drove off in a hurry, they're house was only 30 minutes away. I believed in being fashionablely late while Hank, Hank did not. I took the high way, after 10 minutes he said something, grabbing my hand. "You still got your wedding ring on." He said, I noticed the sadness scape across his voice. "Oh, I was planning on giving this back in person. But if you want - I could trash it now. " I said. Hank shook his head. "I understand, it's you and your....wife's thing. " He said, his eyes grew pale. I kissed him, taking the ring off as I threw it. "She's not my wife. My boyfriend comes before some crazy bitch. " I said smiling.


Donny was playing with Mikey, I do believe a crush is developing between the two. Me and Thomas are talking to Mikey's parents. They both worked fair jobs. Jasmine, Mikey's mom was a real beauty. Standing at 5'5, blue eyes, and red hair long hair. She could get anyone. I could say the same for his dad. Chase, 6'9, Brown eyes, Blonde hair. It looks like Mikey's genetics couldn't pick what eye/hair color he should have. His eyes we're brown at the top, and blue at bottom. His was just a mix of red and blonde, it was just lovely. Just one thing was wrong at the party, our dad's wasn't here. Chase nudged me smiling. "I think our boys have crushes on each other." He said smiling. Oh, this is great! He's smiling I thought he would be homophobic. I just smiled back. "It's so cute! I remember when Chase was like that. " Jasmine said, giggling. Chase blushed. "Was not, you see she has this crazy idea that I came to her 1st." Chase said, shaking his head chuckling. Jasmine whispered in Chase's ear. I couldn't make it out but he instantly went red and said. "This isn't our house! And the kids are right there! " She smirked as she pushed in the pool. I saw it coming everyone started laughing, even Chase. There was a knock on the door, I went up and answered it. "Finally! " I said, tapping my foot. Bill and Hank hugged him. "Sorry, Bill was no where to be found. " Hank said chuckling. We all went to the back to the pool, Thomas was blushing. Chase and Jasmine looked towards me. "So, who's top and who's bottom?! " They both said. I blushed, now wonder he was blushing. "Well ...I'm the bottom .." I said shyly. All through the night it was nothing but joking, games, sexual questions, and anything esle what grown people would do. They all drove off, Thomas picked up Donny and brought him to his bedroom. We both kissed his forehead. He had a long a day, he enjoyed all of it I bet. Especially when he got a kiss on the cheek from Mikey. We walked to our room, it didn't us long to go to sleep.

///Now starts the future \\\

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