The Co-Workers: Gary & Thomas Ch. 03

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Gary screamed. Thomas threw his body over Gary to protect him. Both of them didn't get shot, but the cheif screamed, and fell to his knees. "My fucking hand!" He yelled, holding his now bleeding hand. He turn his head, as his eyes grew wide. "Sgt. Davis, are you mad?!" He yelled. "I'm not, but you are sir! These people didn't do anything!" Davis yelled. Gary, peeked his head from over Thomas's shoulder. "Thomas....." Gary mumbled. Cheif Hoonda smirked, as he pulled out a mini gun, and shot sgt. Davis in the neck. Davis grabbed his neck in pain, and screamed as he dropped his gun and which landed beside Thomas. Thomas quickly grabbed the gun, and shot Hoonda at point blank range. Before Davis black out, he raidoed the station. The ablamance was there in mintues, Thomas & Gary was questioned, they we're free to go. Gary & Thomas slowly walked home, taking in all what happened. "I hope that officer is okay...." Gary said. Thomas nodded. "Why not we go check up on him in the hospital?" Thomas suggested. Gary smiled. "Sure, lets go." Gary said, both started heading to the hospital which wasn't even a block away. Once in they asked for his room number, the nurses brought them to his room. "Visitors, Mr. Davis." The nurse kindly said, then left. Sgt. Davis looked at them, and coughed. "I don't have much time....." He said softly. Gary's eyes started to water. "W-what do you just saved our lives! You-you can't die!" Gary said. Thomas held Gary. "Is there anything we can do?" Thomas asked. Davis shook his head no. "It's too big of a favor...." He said, coughing more. "Sir, you saved my lovers life. I don't think you realize how much you helped me out. " Thomas said. Davis chuckled. "It's my job, besides your both so young. This is probably to much." Davis said. "We'll do it." Gary said, speaking up proudly. Davis's eyes had trouble staying openning, he coughed more. "M-my son....he's only 5.....his mother's dead. Please....take care...of him...." Davis said, fully closing his eyes. His heart stopped, as the machine went on, notificing that his heart stopped. His hand fell from his bed, out silped a note. Noted, his will. The nurses pushed Gary & Thomas out. Trying to revive the young man, with sadly no luck. Gary started crying. Thomas held him. "It's not our flaut. Hoonda will be put behind bars." Thomas said. "H-he had a son! Thomas we have to.." Gary said, but got cut off by Thomas's kiss. "I know we have to. But for now lets go home." Thomas said, both hand in hand, walk towards home. Once home, Thomas kissed Gary's neck, then whispered. "Are you ready?" Gary just nodded, as he felt his dick being grabbed. "Thomas......"

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