My Red Beauty

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I was not expecting to see her step onto deck, and certainly not looking like that. She was stunning. If only I could have said that to her. I was going to back in her room but... I just didn't. She was hurting and I would have only made it worse by making her think it wasn't genuine.

She thought I was just pitying her when I was trying to tell her the truth. I really really screwed up last night.

She called over Jim and she seemed happy. I don't get it, she was about to cry just this morning...

The three of them talked and I couldn't help but feel a bit irritated. Jim should not be this friendly with her when she is my betrothed. I am definitely going to have a talk with him.

I glanced back at her and see her walking away towards the front of the deck, talking to the crew along her way. I clamped my jaw as their eyes followed her. They were practically ravashing her with their stares and I was so close to grabbing her and locking her in my room to get those stares off her back.

"Jim!" I called and he said goodbye to Annabelle's maid, jogging up to me.

"Would you mind taking the wheel." I said through clenched teeth.

"Are you alright captain?"

"I'm fine, it's just... well one minute she's going to cry then the next she's just fine and now look at her! My entire crew is staring at her!"

"Are you jelous, sir?" He said with a small smile.

"I am not jelous, just..."

"... jelous." He teased and I glared at him. He held up his hand before reaching for the wheel.

"Go talk to her, if a girl changes that quickly, she's probably really hurting."

I nodded letting him have the wheel. I need to get her off this deck before I strangle everyone of my crew members. She's my red beauty, and no one else's.

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