Adventure Or Torture

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"Anna, dear, you remember that man you met a week ago?" My father asked sipping his black coffee at the dinning room table.

"Yes?" Yes I do remember that ignorant, bigheaded brute of man.

"Well his father and I had signed a betrothal between you two..."

"I have heard." I snapped coldly.

"Now, daughter don't be stubborn. Anyway, he is to go on a voyage soon, and I thought it would be good if you joined him. That way you can fulfill your thirst for adventure, and maybe warm up to the idea of being with Sir Derek."

Very sneaky father I must admit.

"Father, I do not like him, he is a brute of a man and has no respect for a lady."

"He does indeed have respect towards you, but you both give the same impressions of indifference towards eachother. You need to give him a chance and then in turn he will give you a chance as well." Oh goodness gracious, this is all very pitiful.

"Father please..."

"I'm not taking no for an answer, I didn't want to have to put my foot down but you leave me no choice. You are going whether you like it or not."

Well then.

"Very well." I muttered between clenched teeth.

"Grace will help you pack, you leave tomorrow morning."

My eyes grew wide at him, I have only one day warning!

"How long will this voyage be?!"

"A few months I pressume, depends on the weather and if there are any unwelcome encounters. But do not fret my dear, I know he will keep you safe."

Yeah, by throwing me with the sharks.

"Now go pack, I suggest loose clothing and a shorter hem, you don't want to be tripping around the ship now do you?" I shook my head, but I was quite pleased that I didn't have to wear a corset.

I stood up and left to my room, Grace already had a trunk open on my bed waiting for my opinions.

"Okay, my lady, what will you prefer?" She said holding up a light pink gown that came to my mid shin and a bow tied around my waist and puffed sleeves. The other was a darker green with a bit looser flow with the skirt of the dress and a simple capped sleeve top.

"The green one." She nodded folding it and placing it in the chest. I picked five other dresses before I grabbed the important things such as a hair brush and such.

"Grace, will you be joining me?"

"Only if the lady wishes." She smiled.

"Of course I do, besides I need a friend to keep me from strangling sir Derek." She laughed with me and grabbed herself a small trunk as well throwing in her normal maid dresses that happened to fit perfectly to what was needed on board.


"My lady, the driver is here to pick us up." Grace said walking into the room just as I pinned my hair up into a loose bun. I decided on the dark green dress for the first day.

"Alright, I'm all done." I said standing up while maxwell, our butler, grabbed our baggage and followed us outside.

"Daughter!" My father rushed to me wrapping me up in his arms.

"I love you, please be carful." He cautioned pulling back to place a rough hand on my cheek. Years of sailing his own vessel has given him his tan and wrinkled appearance, but all of which enhances his kind eyes and bright smile.

"Of course father, I love you to, do not worry about me."

"I know Sir Derek will keep you safe my love, please do listen to him." As if...

"Yes, father."

With that I climbed into the seat next to grace and the horses started there decent to the harbor.

I looked across the bay and soon found the ship I was to depart on. It was huge, with tall masts and tethered sails. Beautiful ship, and certainly looked safe enough to handle any sea storm.

"Wow, that's incredible!" Grace stammered.

"It is indeed."

We stepped out and onto the peer were they set a long board as a bridge from the peer to the deck.

"Aye, there is my lady." I heard an annoyingly familiar voice call from the deck. Yup, sir Derek stood at the rail with a smile.

"Yes, and there is my bigheaded captain." I called back and he threw his head back with a laugh. Jerk.

I rolled my eyes and climbed the board carefully. Thank goodness my father let me bring flats instead of heals.

Grace followed behind. A few scrubby looking men carried our bags up after us. Once I reached the top he offered his hand of assistance and I rolled my eyes again avoiding his hand.

"Are you sure she is your betrothed, captain?" A tall dark man said next to him.

"Aye mate, however I'm still figuring if she is a lady like she claims." I threw him a glare and they chuckled.

Oh great.

"I show ya to ye'r room miss?" One man said with a scratchy looking beard said.

"Sure, thank you." I followed the man down a couple stairs and into a hallway.

"The captain's bunk is here miss." He gestured to the left wall all the way at the end of the hall before opening the door right across from it.

"And this is ye'r room miss."

"Oh, thank you... what's you're name?"

"Jack miss."

"Thank you Jack, my maid Grace will be staying with me if anyone asks." I smiled and he returned a rather gruesome smile back. With a sharp nod he walked off.

"You mean if the captain asks." Grace teased with a smile. I laughed.


We walked in and took a look around. A tin bath was in the corner next to the porthole, and two bunks lay on opposite walls on the left with a large chest in between them. A yellowed mirror sat above that, nailed to the wall. I sat on the bunk against the far wall where the porthole was located and grace sat in the other.

"Well we better unpack." She suggested and we placed our things in the huge trunk.

I hope this will be more of an adventure than of torture.

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