Setting Sail

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Grace and I decided to go up on deck so we can watch us leave the harbor.

"Lower the sails men, we are heading out!" Derek called from the high middle section of the ship. He gripped the wheel in his hands and gazed over the deck. His blue eyes matched that of the glittering sea. His brown hair was visibly lightened from the sun, so I assume it once was more of a chocolate brown than the caramel it is now. Full lips and a straight jaw only helped his appearance. Damn him.

He turned his head and our eyes met briefly before a smiled that cocky smile of his and I rolled my eyes looking away as a pink shade covered my cheeks.

"Are you blushing my lady?" Grace teased.

"No I most certainly am not, now hush before I throw you over board." So embarrassing.

"Lady Annabelle, please join me up here." He called and I turned with my brow raised. Is he serious?

"Now." He ordered. Did I mention his rudeness? I stomped up the two sets of four steps that led to his platform.

The same tall man who asked if I was his betrothed stood next to him leaning against the rail.

"Lady Annabelle, this is my first mate Jim."

"Pleasure to meet you, sir." I held out my hand to shake his, but instead he brought it to his lips gently.

"The pleasure is all mine, but I am of no importance my lady, so I am just Jim." Humble man I see.

"Nonsense, a man with graciousness is a sir to me." He smiled letting go of my hand.

"I can't imagine that you are the same woman who has been so smart with the captain." I laughed.

"Ah well, you seem to be more of a gentleman than he, and so I shall be polite in turn." Derek scoffed and I giggled again. Jim gave a humored smirk.

"I do believe that I offered a hand of assistance, is that not gentlemanly?" Derek snapped.

"It would be, however your other actions beg to differ."

"I apologized!"

"No, you were going to apologize but you never did it." I explained.

"You slapped me before I could!"

"You stormed in my room nearly knocking over my maid!"

Jim's head snapped to each of us whenever we yelled and soon he threw his head back letting out a loud thunderous laugh, stopping our bickering.

"This will be a fun voyage!" He said clapping his hands together.

"You realize if any of you men speak to me like that you will be walking the plank!"

"Aye captain, but she does it well enough for us to stay out of it." He laughed walking back onto the deck.

"You are going to drive me crazy, love." He spat.

"Ah yes, as you do me, dear." I cooed.

He grumbled something under his breath and I giggled. I am getting under his skin to.

He spun the large wooden wheel maneuvering out into the open sea.

"We're setting Sail men!" He called and they stomped and whooped in reply.

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