Dinner From Hell

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There was a knock on the door. I got off the bed wearing and oversized sweater and yoga pants. I opened the door to see my mom I walked away letting her stand there like a dumby.
Dinner is ready Channing.
Oh wow.. dinner ready Chan. I mocked here with a slight smirk.
He not your responsibility he will eat when he wants to.
Lori be nice
Why she ain't being nice coming up here in my room disrespecting me...like who the fuck does that.
Excuse me young lady have you lost what's left of you mine.
Oh hahahaa you should be a comedian instead of a fashion designer.
You know what you can get out. No one told you to come here anyway.
Last time I check my name on the deed to this house... so you can leave...mother!
Lori stop alright. Lets just go downstairs and have dinner.
You can go. (Lays down on the bed) I'm staying my ass right here.
Sighs... please Lori for me.
(Rolls my eyes ) whatever I'm not eating.
Then starve just come on she's your mother.
Gene giver
(Slaps her) I want you out MY house right now!
(Laughs hysterically ) you funny after your dad raping and beating me you hitting me doesn't hurt.
What did u just say.
We on the same staircase u heard me.(walks down)
Hey LoLo
Hey Nelly (sits next to her) hey Becky...
Hey girly wassup?
Oh wait I know that look you told her didn't u.
Sighs... yea I had to she's my mom even tho she a bitch.
Dad came in the kitchen just as Chanel was about to respond.
Why did u say that your grandfather did this to u.
Because he did y else.
Cut the act no this is serious.
I'M AM SERIOUS DAD HE DID THIS TO ME DAMN Y IS EVERYONE JUMPING ON MY DICK AROUND HERE. (walks out the house to the pool) I sat on the edge of the pool and put my feet in. It was finally peace and quite and I had a moment to myself. A moment to finally break down and just let everything out.I didn't here the door open but I soon felt two people on my sides.
Why didn't we know this chica
sniffs... he told me not to tell
that's why the FBI is having such a hard time.
Yes...sniffs and coughs... Im so sorry..
aw sissy we should have known when he went ghost for 2 years and
Never came to visit. Becky says cutting Chanel off
Yes I guess so.
You know Channing is upset again.
Sighs...where is he?
I got up and went downstairs to the basement and there he was punching the bag.
Baby boy you okay?
Ignores her...
(Walks up to him) baby I'm sorry okay it's just to much going on
I feel like I'm breaking up a happy home Lori and I can't do that
Chan your not breaking anything baby I love you and I don't care what my parents have to say.
You've been home all of 11 hours and all thats happened is arguing with people we shouldn't aruge with.
I slid in front the punching bag and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then let's go make up. I meant what I said I don't care for there opinions anymore.
He picked my up and I laid my head on his shoulder.
I love you Lori Marie
I love u too Chan

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