Home Sweet Home

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This ride was silent other than the radio. A little more about my life while we wait, I was always called mouse growing up because I didn't like to talk. I even did sign language just so I wouldn't have to. I did competitive cheerleading for 3 years I was miss California and miss America. I've met the president graduated in the top 5 of my high school class and 10 of my college classes. I have 3 degrees. I know I know but your 18 I skipped 10 grade while in 11th I was doing college credits and my senior year was only 2 classes so I was able to finish. Anyway I met Channing at a movie premier. We've been together ever since I love his family and he loves mine. Except my grandfather we both despise him. The ride was almost over when Chan started talking again.
I missed you Lori. He glanced at me and I giggled.
I missed you to well the days I didn't see u
You know I wouldn't have missed any if I didn't have to work
I know I know I was just kidding. I looked at him and smiled sadly. I wish I could tell him about the death of our baby. But he was so excited when I told him I can't take that from him. Shaking the thought from my head we pulled in the drive way. Home sweet home

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