~Brave~ Chapter V

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Chapter V

Eric awoke to the sounds of voices coming from the door that led up the stairs. Someone had left the door open, if they didn't, Eric might have slept in a bit longer. Veronica started to stir and Eric knew it was inevitable now. It was their yearly ritual, to get up and do things together. Today was the day the family would often split up into different groups to go on field trips. Some went into a nearby town. Others, particularly Uncle Horowitz and Aunt Rosita would take their kids. Eric usually went along to go look at antique shops.

But their daughter wasn't with them this year, so Eric wasn't sure if that's what they were going to do this time. He might go to the beach with the cool cousins this year for all he knew, but then, did he want to? What was the temperature out there like?

"Still reliving the moment from last night?" Veronica blinked with an added smirk as she used her hands as a pillow. She fluttered her eyes lashes begging for details.

Eric had completely forgotten about it until now. He felt his face turn warm because he still remembered every moment. That was a dream now though, so his face soon fell after.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Veronica was empathetic. She laid a hand on his shoulder.

Eric briefly sat up looking to see if they had privacy. It seemed like they were alone downstairs.

He fell back down into a heap feeling lazy. "Maybe someone should shut the door."

Veronica's body shook with silent laughter. "I forget how much of a slave driver you can be. Don't worry, I'll do it."

Before she could do it, footsteps came down the stairs in a hurry.

"Breakfast is ready!" Martin didn't need to shout but he did anyway because some cousins could be assholes that way.

Eric didn't want to move, and Veronica didn't look up to being social. This was the time of day in which aunts and uncles asked awkward questions over the table. Well, actually everyone had to spread out all over the kitchen and upstairs living room because there was no table to fit everyone on.

If they didn't move, Aunt Olivia would be down there hunting them down. Veronica and Eric have tried hiding before when they were ten. They had decided to make a game out of it. Olivia had too good a nose at sniffing children out. She shot one too many stern looks their way for the rest of the weekend, making them feel like they were rotten.

The smell of fried eggs, spicy eggs called chorizo, coffee, breakfast sausages and pancakes seemed inviting enough once they came up the stairs. There were greetings of good mornings, Eric grudgingly returned the favor as he was not too crazy about mornings. He felt like he always did in the morning, not with any sign of a hangover. Veronica seemed to feel the same. She returned the greetings a little more shyly than Eric's.

The awkward questions soon streamed in before a plate of food was set in front of them. Veronica went with chorizo and Eric with pancakes (thank god for that!). This was exactly why Eric didn't like coming up for breakfast. Some questions he felt were too intrusive. They may not have held any ill intent, but Eric felt private about his life.

Was he working? Did he get anyone special in his life? An aunt that didn't believe that homosexuality existed kept asking if he had gotten a girlfriend yet. How was school? Was he getting good grades? What did he plan on doing with the rest of his life?

The same happened to Veronica. She too answered the same questions with the same answer every year.

Didn't they see how uncomfortable it made them feel? Or they didn't care? Eric might have been grumpy because he hadn't eaten yet.

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