My best friend told me about this site so here I am.

Hello there! I am just your avid reader by day, writer by night! Name is Derreck (not Derek) DJ, Dee as thewitchandthecat call me. I respond to all. Colton Haynes obsessed. Rafael Leonidas obsessed. They're my baby daddies. I am male and attracted to other males. Obviously. I accept all comments be they good or bad. It's hard to hurt my feelings.

Before you begin a story guys and gals, know that I write mostly boyxboy stories. I try to write as many different kinds of stories possible all to become a better writer. Wattpad has offered the freedom to do so. I honestly hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them.

Despite being just a writer, I am a reader as well. An avid reader maybe? Could go on and on.

I am also a self-published author now under pen name Dee Jordan! Check it out!

Completed :)
A Jock's Tale
A Jock's Tale Reunion
A Bisexual Story
My Boyfriend Is a College Werewolf
My Boyfriend Is a Liberal Arts Student
The Boys of Westbrook
The Prince's Fiancé

What I am working on...
Shadow Wood Chronicles

Oh very small children scare me.
  • انضمJune 2, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
DerreckSanchez DerreckSanchez Mar 01, 2024 07:01PM
Good news, Chapter 27 is finally up.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Derreck Sanchez
Legend (MxM) بقلم DerreckSanchez
Legend (MxM)
Brayden King isn't looking for love. Having only been in 1 relationship that ended badly. Even years later, t...
Don't Give Up On Me بقلم DerreckSanchez
Don't Give Up On Me
"Don't let go of me." "I won't." He promised, and sealed it with a kiss. Loving, isn't ea...
The Prince's Fiancé (BoyXBoy) بقلم DerreckSanchez
The Prince's Fiancé (BoyXBoy)
Caleb, AKA Trent Lott has a secret no one can know about. If they did, it would ruin the whole experience. Wh...
ranking #336 في historicalfiction إظهار جميع المراتِب
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