A New Alien

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Ejo Jo, after shortly being defeated by Adu Du, he told his friend, Tangka Ka, that he didn't manage to get the 9th generation power sphere, Ochobot. Tangka Ka then decided to do it all by himself.

Meanwhile in Pulau Rintis, Boboiboy has went through a lot that day and went to his bedroom during midnight. Ochobot was helping cleaning his room and saw Boboiboy and went to talk to him.

"What's wrong, Boboiboy?"

Boboiboy sighed, he lay down on his bed and answered


"Why not you take some rest first, you look so tired", Ochobot interrupted.

Very quickly, Boboiboy feel asleep on his bed. Tok Aba called Ochobot to help him prepare the koko for tomorrow to be sold. Ochobot agreed and went to help him.

Tangka Ka then reached Boboiboy's home and kidnapped him by using his spaceship's beam and went off to somewhere else. Later that morning, Ochobot went to Boboiboy's room to wake him up for school. He realized that Boboiboy was gone and told his friends and Tok Aba.

"Boboiboy disappeared! The last time I saw him was in his bedroom sleeping yesterday midnight", said Ochobot.

"Hm...I think it's best if we discuss this after school, or else we'll be late!", said Yaya.

"That's right, you guys better head for school", Tok Aba added on.

All of them greeted Tok Aba before they left.

Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang entered class, they saw Boboiboy already sitting in his seat prepared for class.

"Boboiboy!", everyone screamed in a relief.

Boboiboy greeted them as if he's in a bad mood.

"What's wrong Boboiboy?", Yaya asked curiously.

Boboiboy replied, "Nothing...", as he took his book and covered up his face.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion and left him alone.

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