Chapter 16: Heart speaks.

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It was his aai ! His mom. Not that I was scared or something but his mum. HIS MUM. I was shamelessly holding his hand in front of his mom the other day and now I was facing her. I quickly turned to leave ,thinking that I would come after his mom leaves but I heard his voice , which by the way I had been longing to listen to since the past 24 hours , calling out to me.

I slowly turned back to gauge his mom's reaction. Maybe she didn't like me that much . I walked ahead. For him .

"Namaste aunty." I , like a typical Indian girl, bowed down and touched her feet.

"Sukhi raho." She seemed happy at this gesture of mine.

"Mom." Parth broke in. "This is Niti." He pointed at me. "And Niti you know her I mom."

I looked at his mum and managed a smile.

"She's..." Parth continued. "My..."

I tried shaking my head telling him not to tell anything about us to his mum , but he wouldn't listen, and yes I kinda hate to admit but I wanted to know what he thought about the relationship.

It was kinda weird. I realized. Merely 24 hours had passed since we had gotten into a relationship and I was already meeting his mom. Like seriously? I didn't know what to feel about it.

"She's not just my co star, my beautiful co-star, but much much more than that." I heard him say.

I glanced at him giving him a threatening look, and then looked at his mom in anticipation.

She looked back at me, and stroked my head with her hand, indicating a blessing.

I didn't understand what it was supposed to mean. Should I go and talk to her? What would I tell her? I mean it was true that both of us are together but I wasn't sure of anything at all. I mean yes I'm in love with Parth ... But...ughh !! It was all so confusing. Making me meet his mom was probably the quickest decision he had ever taken and I didn't want things to go so quickly. Uhhh.. I felt so confused !

"I will leave you both alone." She said and prepared to leave,even before I could decide what was going on.

No I had to go and talk to her.

"Parth .." I said. "I'll be back." I saw her retreating figure and ran behind her as fast as I could.

"Mrs.Samthaan." I called out to her. She surprisingly stopped, and I actually thought I couldn't shout loud. I ran to her, panting a bit.. But still incoherent with my words.

"Woh andar whatever happened..I don't know why he made me meet you..but I don't know....." I couldn't frame my sentence properly. I didn't know what to say. My brain had stopped formulating meaningful sentences.

"Niti.." She placed a comforting hand over my shoulder. "Calm down. We will sit and talk."

I nodded my head obediently.

"Tell me. Clearly . Kya hua?" She asked as we sat on a bench nearby.

"I....don't know what happened. I mean I know but I'm not able to digest the fact that he made me meet you..." I spoke, wondering how accurate I was, and whether I made sense or no.

"Uhm....umm.." That's what her reaction was.

I mentally prepared myself to get a gross reaction from her.

"I don't want things to run like this." I finally told her . I made a brave attempt and looked at her.

"Niti..I .." I didn't let her speak.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to create a wrong impression on you."

What was I even saying?

"Listen to me Niti." She said, trying to pacify me.

I heard on.

"I know what you are must be thinking that Parth made you meet me because he wants to get married to you..and you don't want..that .right?"

No no no !

"Its not that I don't want to get married to him.. Its just that I don't think only love can make marriage work. I need to spend more time with him.. Make the relationship work properly .. Both of us ! And then get married to him." I finally spoke coherently. My head seemed lighter. But I felt my words were a bit stupid.

"Right. So , let me tell you, I have a daughter too. She said the same thing to me when her partner proposed to her. Its a normal thing Niti.. And by the way, Parth ne tumhe Abhi tak propose nahi kiya hai."

Yeah. He hadn't.. Basically I had panicked because he had made me meet his mom.

"And I know my son very well. He wants to achieve a lot, before he can finally commit to someone. "

"Hmm.." I said. "Thank you aunty." I smiled weakly.

"No need to say thank you ! You can talk to me anytime you want to.."

I smiled again.

"Now go back to the patient. He must be waiting for you." She said and we got up. Before we could leave, she said one final thing...something which left a deep impact on me...something which will stay with me forever.

"Niti.." She said. "Parth had been friends with Disha for a very long time..and he had been in a relationship with her for a long time too.. But he never made Disha meet are the first , and I know the only girl who met me , because of Parth. I knew it the day I saw you the first time...he's not going to leave you..never ever..god bless you both." She said , and left. I couldn't help but blush.

It was all like a khichadi in my head. What his mom said revolved in my mind for a very long time. He was sure about me. Even if I wanted to give it time and make it work... He was sure ! He was going to be with me for lifetime irrespective of what I thought....he was more confident of us than I was... What was I even thinking? How was he so sure of me? How did he even know that he would be marrying me?? How how how? My head hurt because of thinking so much.. I knew I trusted him, but I needed stuff to work practically. But somewhere, at the back of my mind I knew we would work... We would never break... We could never break.. Because he believed in us..and I did too.. I had always believed that we are fated... And when all of it was coming true , there was no room for self doubt. I couldn't doubt myself, I couldn't doubt the relationship, I couldn't doubt the trust I had on him, I couldn't doubt anything between us...for it was pure..and I felt complete. I was sure of it, and I knew he was too.

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