Chapter 19

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Both men walked out of the inn and out into the village to find Sean McLeary. When they did, he was more than happy to take them back. So two hours later, Minister Aedan and Robert found themselves back in Fluairíd Robáil. They both went to the gate and dialed the address for Earth.

As soon as the gate had whooshed open, Aedan punched in the code Sam had given him, and they soon got confirmation that it had worked.

"Mr. Collins," the general's voice said over the M.A.L.P. "Is there a problem?"

"Not exactly, sir, but there has been a major change here. Prime Minister Aedan and I were talking about the building they had chosen for their new government building. I suggested to him that it would be a much better idea to have their new government building in Fluairíd Robáil where the gate is. That way they can greet anyone coming from Earth easier, plus they can guard their gate better."

There was a moment of silence. "Good thinking, Mr. Collins. So do they have a suitable building there?"

Robert shook his head. "No, sir, and that's where we come in. Minister Aedan has people who know what and where the best building materials are, but they just don't have enough man-power to do the job."

"Understood. I'll send two SG teams to help you. They'll be there within the hour."

Robert smiled. "Thank you, Gen. Landry. Collins out." The gate shut off, and he turned toward Aedan, smiling broadly. "With your people finding the right building materials and us to help you do the building, we'll have your new government building built in no time."

Aedan was visibly touched. "Thank ya fer all yer help, Master Robert. 'Twas a grand day when we became allies, and our paeoples only became stronger. And with ya helpin' us, there be no limit 't what my paeople and yers c'n do."

Robert was more touched than he had words to say. "Thank you," he stuttered. I don't know what to say, but I predict that we will be friends and allies for a very long time."

Aedan nodded and smiled. "Aye. That we will, Master Robert, that we will." He thought for a moment. "This be a time fer celebratin'!"Aedan exclaimed, grinning. He winked at Robert. "I suggest that we retire 't the village fer a wee nip. Mistress Kathleen be havin' a fine ale, that she does."

Robert shook his head. "We can't. Not yet. We have to wait for the two teams from the SCG to get here." As soon as he had finished that, the gate started to rotate. As the seventh chevron locked, the gate whooshed open, and moments later two SG teams came through, and came to stand by Robert and Aedan.

"Mr. Collins, I presume?" one of the men asked.

He nodded.

The man saluted. "Major Stan Niles, SG-eight. I also brought with me SG-six."

"Welcome to Danu, Maj. Niles. May I present newly-elected Prime Minister Aedan O'Malley."

Aedan bowed, giving the major the traditional greeting. "Welcome to Danu, friends. We be glad ya c'n help us build a new buildin' here."

Maj. Niles nodded. "It's our pleasure to help our allies. Mr. Collins, the general thought it would be helpful if you also had two people with engineering qualifications to help with this project."

"That's a good idea," Robert nodded.

"I have twelve people with me in all." Maj. Niles pointed to the two engineers, introducing them. "Lt. Anderson and Lt. Jacobs."

Robert and Aedan smiled and nodded in their direction.

"The general told us to try and get the building built as soon as possible, Prime Minister," Maj. Niles said. "That means we'll be staying on your planet for awhile."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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