Chapter 10

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"Couldn’t this have waited till tomorrow, Jackson," Cam said a little grumpy.

"No. Now, we’ve been trying to find out which parent was Danuan. Correct?"

Everyone nodded.

"Well, I have the answer." Daniel pulled out the photograph and handed it to the general. "That’s a picture of her mother. Sam and I met her on Danu."

Sam looked stunned. "You mean Healer Siobhan really is her mother?" She took the photo from the general, and looked at it intently. "Oh my God. You’re right! That is the healer!" She passed the photo on to Cameron.

He glanced at it. "Okay, so now we know that it was her mother who came from Danu. But how’d she get here? That’s what I want to know."

"Did you ask Miss O’Brien?" Gen. Landry asked Daniel.

"No, but I don’t think she knows her mom is from another planet. I don’t think her mom ever told her."

Dr. Lam had been studying the photo. "How old was she when this was taken?" she asked, sending the photo back to Daniel. "Did she tell you?"

Daniel turned toward her. "She said she was about eight years old when that photo was taken. She had two others like them. Apparently an aunt of hers passed away recently and had the photos in her possession. When she passed away, her will dictated that Caitlin be given the pictures."

"Okay," the general said, gathering everyone’s attention. "Now that we know which parent came from Danu, we have to figure out what to do next. Any suggestions?"

Cameron spoke up. "Sir, I recommend that we go to Danu and talk to Healer Siobhan as soon as possible to find out how she came to Earth, and even more importantly, how she got back to Danu. If she came here in a ship, someone in that time period would have noticed."

"I, too, am in agreement with Col. Mitchell," Teal’c said.

Daniel shook his head. "I don’t think we should do that just yet. Our alliance with them is still new and fragile, and we would risk alienating them. I think we should wait a little longer."

"I want to know the details just as much as you do, sir," Sam said to Cameron. "But, I agree with Daniel. Let’s wait a few days until we’ve had a chance to find out any more information from Caitlin herself."

The General nodded. "Agreed. Dr. Jackson can hang on to the photograph until we decide to go to the healer on Danu about it. Dismissed."

‘"Sir," Daniel said quickly, "I promised Caitlin that I would give the photo back to her right away since she has so few pictures of her mom."

"Col. Carter, can you make a copy of the photo?"

Sam nodded.

"Very well. Make a copy for our files so Dr. Jackson can give the original back to Miss O’Brien."

Everyone got up from the table, and the team walked back down headed for their quarters.

Cam pulled up beside Daniel. "I’m hungry," he said. "Why don’t we all head down to the mess hall and grab a snack?"

So everyone headed down to the mess hall and Sam and Teal’c grabbed a table. Cameron went up to the cooler and grabbed a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk, while Daniel grabbed a banana and a glass of water.

"So how was the Halloween party you went to tonight?" Cam asked as they sat down.

"It was really fun. We went early so I could meet Caitlin’s best friend Lacey, her husband, and their daughter, Caitlin’s goddaughter. Her name is Sabrina, and she’s only two. She was dressed up as Minnie Mouse. She calls Caitlin ‘Auntie Cat’. She asked Caitlin if she and I were like her mom and dad."

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