Chapter 12

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The door to the inn opened, and Mistress Kathleen came out of the kitchen to see who had come in. She was quite surprised to see who it was. "Danu Go Bragh, friends from Auld Aerth," she said, smiling and opening her arms, bowing slightly. "Welcome back to Fluairíd Robáil (Flowing River). "Tis good 't see ya again."

Sam smiled, returning the gesture. "It’s good to see you again, too. Mistress Kathleen."

"’Tis a special reason you’ve come, I take it."

"Yes," Cam told her. "We’re here to see how Master Aedan is coming with his talks about a new government."

"Would ya be stayin’ with us for a wee bit, then?" she asked them.

"Yes, if that’s okay with you," Sam said.

"Aye, that be fine with me. I’ll even give ya the same rooms ya had before." Kathleen turned toward the kitchen and called out to Fiona.

"Mistress Fiona, our friends from Auld Aerth have returned, and I be taking them 't their rooms now. Can ya watch things fer a few moments?"

"Not to worry, Mistress Kathleen," she smiled. "Things be fine here till ya come back." She turned to the team. "Welcome back, friends."

They all smiled at her as Kathleen led the group up the stairs and showed each one to their rooms. She took Sam into her room, going to the armoire and opening it. "I had a feelin’ that ya might be comin’ back fer a visit 't our fair village, so I kept the outfit ya wore when ya were here last time."

"Thank you, Mistress Kathleen," Sam said, smiling at her. "That was very kind of you."

"It was nothing, Mistress Samantha. I was happy to do it."

"Please, Mistress Kathleen," Sam urged her. "Call me Sam."

Kathleen looked shocked. "Say me nay, I can’t be doin’ that. ‘Tis a young lad’s name that is."

"It’s what my friends call me, and I would like to consider you a friend."

"Why thank ya," she said, surprised. "I would like that." She walked to the door. "You and yer friends came just in time, Mistress Sam. T'day is me bakin’ day, and I be havin’ fresh bread comin’ out o’ the oven soon. If ya like, I can let ya have a piece."

"That sounds really good, Mistress Kathleen," she said, her mouth watering. "I’d like that."

"I’ll be down in the kitchen when ya be ready."

"Thank you, Mistress Kathleen," Sam said warmly. Kathleen left for the kitchen, and Sam decided to change into the Danuan dress and shoes. Once she was dressed, she left her room and headed to Cam’s room at the top of the stairs.

Cam heard a knock on his door and went to open it. "Hi, Sam. Come on in."

He went to the bed and sat down. "So what’s up? I see you’ve changed already."

"I just wanted to fit in while we’re here. Even the little things may make the difference in our alliance with Danuans. Besides, I see you’ve changed, too."

Cam smiled sheepishly, and pulled on the boots that had been with the outfit. "Have you been to see Daniel and Teal’c yet?"

Sam shook her head. "I cam here first."

Cam got up and grabbed the scarf that went with his outfit and handed it to Sam, who tied it on for him. Then the two of them left his room and headed down the hall to Daniel’s room. Sam knocked, and they heard a muffled, "Come in!"

Cam opened the door and saw that Daniel was also dressed in his Danuan outfit. "So Jackson. What should we do first?"

Daniel looked up at them. "I think we should go to Heal Siobhan’s cottage as soon as possible. I want to find out all she knows."

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