Chapter 2

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As soon as the Stargate had shut down, they all walked back up to the control room. Walter got up and let Sam sit at the main computer controls, while he sat down next to her.

"All ready, Sir," she told Gen. Landry.

"Proceed, Colonel."

Sam took the first of the two addresses they had gotten and tapped the glyphs into the computer. "It’s searching our database of all the known gate addresses for anything similar. It should take only a few moments. If it doesn’t find anything, it will start the dialing process."

The computer stopped, then started up again, this time activating the gate itself. Sam kept a close watch on the computer and called each chevron. "Chevron one engaged," she called out. "Chevron two engaged. Chevrons three and four engaged, sir. Chevron five engaged, chevron six engaged." The inner ring of the gate rotated to the last chevron.

"Chevron seven won’t lock, General.

"Try the address again," suggested Col. Mitchell.

Sam tapped the address back into the computer. The inner circle of the gate rotated, but the seventh chevron wouldn’t light up.

Walter turned and looked up at the General. "The seventh chevron still won’t lock, Sir."

"What’s your opinion, Col. Carter?" the general asked her.

"The addresses may have been incorrect, sir," she suggested, turning to look at him and the others.

"That is a possibility, Col. Carter," added Teal’c. "Though Bra’tac and the Jaffa Council may not have known that."

Landry nodded in agreement. "Well, let’s try the other address."

Sam turned back towards the computer and typed in the next address that Bra’tac had given them. The computer searched the database for any possible matches. "No matches found in the database, Sir. The computer will try the dialing process." The inner circle of the gate began to rotate. Sam called out each chevron in succession as it locked into place. When the last chevron came up on the computer screen, she called it out. "Chevron seven engaged." The gate rotated to its final position, the final chevron lighting up.

"Chevron seven locked, Sir." They all watched as the gate whooshed open, and the familiar pool of the event horizon appeared. "We have a valid address, General," Sam replied.

"Well done, Colonel," Gen. Landry said, smiling. "Prepare a MALP to send through.

"Yes, Sir." The team watched as a MALP was rolled into the gate room and technicians began working on it. Within a few minutes, they were finished.

"Sending the MALP through, Sir." They all waited anxiously for it to reach its destination. "MALP has reached the other side, sir. Sending telemetry through now."

Everyone turned to look at the monitors above their heads. The image being shown was of a lush green planet filled with trees, sunshine, and snow-capped mountains. In front of the gate was a small meadow.

"Readings indicate a breathable atmosphere, and a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit," Col. Carter said. "It looks good, General."

"What's that in the background," Cam asked, looking intently at the video monitors.

"It appears to be mountains, Colonel Mitchell," replied Teal’c.

"It looks okay by the gate," Daniel said.

The General had a satisfied smile on his face. "SG-1, you have a go for standard recon."

Everyone got up and headed down the stairs to get ready. When they were all ready, they walked into the gateroom and looked toward the General in the control room.

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