Chapter 3

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Everyone had finished their meals and their drinks, so Kathleen and Fiona came and cleared away the dishes. Kathleen came back and asked if anyone wanted dessert.

"Nay, Kathleen," Aedan replied. "It be getting late and me wantin’ these paeople 't meet the other village managers soon, so we best be goin’ now." Everyone stood up when Aedan and Eirnin did, and Aedan turned toward Kathleen. "What do I be owin’ ya fer the meals, Kathleen me dear?"

Kathleen put up her hand. "Nay, ya be owin’ me nothin' in trade, Aedan, nor you, Eirnin. ‘Tis on the house, as ya had these fine paople from Auld Aerth. But," she said with a mischievous smile on her face, "Ya better watch yerself, as I might be chargin’ ya double next time ya come in here."

Aedan laughed at her. "Get away with ya and yer blarney, Kathleen Finnegan. I know ya better than that."

"That ya do, Aedan. That ya do." SG-1 stopped and put on their sunglasses before following Aedan and Eirnin outside. Once outside, Aedan noticed a young man standing at the butcher’s shop next door.

"Colin," Aedan called out him. "Please come here."

Colin ran over to the group, stopping in front of Aedan. "Danu Go Bragh, Master Aedan," he said.

"Friends," Aedan said to SG-1, "this be Colin Faden, a right good lad here abouts. Colin, this be some friends from Auld Aerth come through the cloch ciorcal."

"Danu Go Bragh," Colin said as he held out his hands and bowed his head slightly to the team. "What can I be doin’ fer ya, Mr. O’Malley?"

"Son, I be needin’ ya 't go 'tCéad Titim Sneachta (First Snowfall)and Go Leor Bláthanna (Many Flowers)and give their village managers a message. Can ya be doin’ that fer me?

"Aye, that I can. What be the message?"

"Just tell them that visitors from Auld Aerth have come and they wish 't talk. We be meetin’ at our village hall later this afternoon. That be all ya need 't tell them."

"Surein’ it be all right with me, Master Aedan, but let me just be tellin’ me da’ where I’m goin’, so he not be worryin’ ‘bout me." Colin ran back to the butcher’s shop and went inside. Daniel could see him talking to a man behind the counter. A few moments later he came back out with a smile on his face.

"Me da’ says that I c'n go, as long as I be back before the suns set. I’ll get me parents’ cart, then leave at once."

"Thank ya, lad," Aedan said, patting Colin on the shoulder. "Be much appreciated."

"Well," Aedan said turning back toward the rest of the group. "We need 't be headin’ back 't the village hall. We be meetin’ the other managers there soon."

Everyone started walking back to the hall. They had just turned onto the main street and were headed back to the hall when Daniel stopped Aedan.

"Aedan, do you think I could meet the Healer? I’d like to learn about how she helps take care of your people when you’re ill or hurt."

Cam leaned toward Daniel and whispered, "Daniel we need you at the meeting with the other village managers. We need to warn them about the threat of the Ori coming here."

"I know, but I really want to meet their Healer. I need to find out something. Besides, she might have some new medicines we could trade for."

Cam gave Daniel an "I give up" look, and said he could go. "But be prepared to come back if we need you at the meeting."

Daniel nodded, and asked Aedan again about meeting the healer.

"Aye. I c'n have Eirnin take ya and make the introductions. We be seein’ ya when ya get done."

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