Chapter 6

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As everyone else started to eat, Daniel waited and watched as Aedan took his first bite of Earth food. He chuckled when Aedan’s eyes grew round at the taste of the food.

"I take it you like our food, Master Aedan," Daniel told him.

"It be tastin’ better than me wife’s cookin’," Aedan said, winking at Daniel. "God bless her."

Sam, Cam, and Daniel laughed, but Teal’c just raised one eyebrow. "Does you wife not cook proficiently, Master Aedan?" he asked.

Aedan looked at him questioningly, and turned to Daniel, asking him what Teal’c had said.

"What Teal’c meant to ask was if your wife is a good cook, Master Aedan."

"Aye. Now I be understandin’ ya, Master Teal’c. 'Tis a fine cook, me Shannon is. Meals fit fer a king, don’t ya know. When ya be comin’ back to Danu, I’ll have ta have her cook ya up a meal. But I was only teasin’ ya ‘bout her cookin’. This be a good meal, but ‘twould be better if I had a wee nip 't go wi' it."

Cam finished his last bits of food. "We might be able to scrounge up something later, Master Aedan, but right now we have a debriefing to get to, so we’d better get going, campers."

Sam and Teal’c finished their food and took their trays to the kitchen. Cam finished his coffee, and took his own tray to the kitchen. Daniel waited until Aedan was finished and had put away his tray, then they all walked together to the debriefing.

Everyone walked into the conference room where General Landry was waiting for them. Daniel showed Aedan to a chair next to the general and sat down beside him while Sam, Teal’c and Cam took up their customary positions across the table from them.

"Well, let’s get down to business. Master Aedan, did SG1 tell you about the Ori?"

Aedan nodded his head. "Yes," he said, seriously. "They told many of the other village managers as well. We not be believin’ that there be a group o' craeatures that be that evil, ‘til your paeople told us about them. They sound truly evil, they do."

"Yes. We’ve seen what they can do first hand," Gel. Landry replied. "I almost died as a result of a plague they used on us. That’s why we try and warn as many new civilizations that we come across, like your people."

"We be grateful, General. "'Tis like I told our paeople. We be cousins of sorts. Our ancestors come from Auld Aerth."

"Yes, and that is why we would like to form an alliance with you and your people. We would be able to share technology and ideas, and be able to help you if the Ori come to your planet."

"I meself ‘twould be glad of that, but I would have to be discussin' this wi' all the village managers, ya understand. When a decision need be made, we vote t’gether."

"I understand perfectly," the general replied. "We would be willing to send something back with you to help convince your people that we are trustworthy."

"Say me nay, General Landry. "Tis not necessary."

"Consider it a ‘gesture of good will’ then. What can we send back with him?"

Everyone thought for a moment, and Daniel finally came up with the answer.

"Sir, I noticed that when we were in Fluairíd Robáil, some of the village managers couldn’t make it to the meeting. Maybe we could show them a few ideas on how to establish a new form of government that would help them govern their people better."

"Master Aedan, what do you think?" General Landry asked him.

Aedan thought about that for a moment. "’Twould be a grand idea 't have all the village managers be in one place, that it would. ‘Tis hard to meet with them all when there be decision that affects all the villages. But it nay be a decision I be able 't make all by meself, ya understand."

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