Chapter 5

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"Good mornin’ to ya," she said as Teal’c came downstairs and sat down. "How are ya on this fine day?"

"Good," Sam said smiling at her. "How about you, Mistress Kathleen?"

"I be well enough, if it weren’t fer all this bakin’ I be havin’ 't do. ‘Tis bakin’ day, and everyone in town be wantin’ my baked goods, don’t ‘cha know. Now what’ll ya have 't drink this mornin’?"

"What do you have for juice?" Cam asked her.

"Well, we have apple and tarra juice."

"I’ll have some apple juice," Cam told her.

"What is tarra juice?’ Sam asked her.

"Tarra juice be made from the tarra fruit. It be havin’ a nutty, warm flavor. Personally, it be me own favorite drink."

"I will have the same," Teal’c told her.

"I’ll try the tarra juice, please," Sam said.

"And what might you be havin’, Master Daniel," Kathleen asked him.

"Daniel doesn’t eat breakfast, Mistress Kathleen," Sam told her.

Kathleen looked shocked. "Not eat breakfast?! Why it be the most important meal of the day. Without a proper breakfast, ya can’t hope 't do a good day’s work."

Daniel looked at her. "I just never got into eating breakfast."

"Well, ya can’t go out of me inn without eatin’ breakfast t'day."

"But I…," Daniel tried to tell her again that he didn’t want any breakfast, but she stopped him.

"Ya might as well not try and argue with me, Master Daniel," she said scowling, her hands on her hips. "I be as stubborn as a mule, so ya can’t win. Now what would yau like to drink?"

Daniel sighed, and knew he wouldn’t win. "Do you have any tea?"

"Aye. I’ll bring ya a pot."

"Mistress Kathleen," Fiona called from the kitchen, "I be needin’ yer help,"

"Please excuse me. I’ll have Fiona bring out yer drinks while you look at our menu." She handed them each a menu. Then she hurried back to the kitchen, and the four of them were left alone for a moment.

"Did you sleep well, Col. Mitchell?" Teal’c asked him.

"I slept pretty well last night, thanks T. I just wish we didn’t have to wear this getup," he replied, pulling at the collar of his shirt

Sam shook her head. "I agree with Daniel, Cam. If we want to forge an alliance with these people, we need them to trust us. Even doing little things like wearing their clothing shows them that they can trust us. Letting one of them come back with us to the SGC will also help."

As Sam finished speaking, Fiona came over carrying a small tray. She set it down between Daniel and Teal’c and passed out everyone’s juice. When she came to Daniel, she set a mug down in front of him and poured the tea into it.

"Is it to yer likin’ Master Daniel," she asked him setting down a small container of milk beside the teapot.

Daniel took a sip, and was pleasantly surprised by how strong it was. "Wow, Mistress Fiona. This tea is much different than what I had last night. It’s so strong."

"Aye. It be what we call Danuan breakfast tea. It be strong 't help a body through the mornin’. If ya like, ya can put some milk in the tea 't make it less strong."

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