Chapter 4

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"Come in!" Cam called out when he heard the knock on his door.

Daniel opened the door and quickly went over to the table in Cam’s room. He set his books down, and opened the one he’d been reading.

Cam could tell something was making his teammate excited. "What’s up, Daniel?"

"I think I’ve found something important. Sam and Teal’c should hear this, too."

"Okay, I’ll go get them." Cam walked out of his room and down the hall, knocking on Teal’c’s door, then on Sam’s.

"Is there a problem, Colonel Mitchell?" Teal’c asked him after he and Sam had come out of their rooms into the hallway.

"I don’t know. Jackson’s been reading those historical books from Master Pádraig, and I think he’s found something he wants to share with us. He’s in my room."

The three of them walked back into Cam’s room. Cam sat on the bed, Sam in the other chair, and Teal’c stood by the fireplace, hands clasped behind his back.

They all looked at Daniel expectantly.

Daniel stood by the table and began. "Um, we learned through Flowing River’s historical books that the Goa’uld Mórrígan had landed on Earth and brought the Earth Irish people here as her slaves. The books told that around five to six hundred years ago Mórrígan lost interest in these people and this planet, but their historical books didn’t tell why. When I started to read the historical books Master Pádraig gave me from his village, it basically said the same things as the books here, but with a major difference. They talked about a ‘being’ that would come from time to time to their villages."

"What sort of ‘being’?" Sam asked him.

"Well, at first it didn’t say, but I kept reading and found a reference to a ‘glowing being of light’." Daniel picked up the open book and started reading. He pointed to the exact spot of the reference in the book. "Uh, it says here that the date is about five hundred and twenty five years ago when Mórrígan came here for the last time. The people saw that she was being harder and more cruel than ever before, until a ‘being of light’ came down from the sky and fought her. When the battle was over, Mórrígan had been defeated, and she was told to never come back again, nor any others like her. Since then the Danuan people have lived in peace, and the Go’auld have never come back.

As Daniel sat down, Cam turned toward Teal’c standing by the fireplace. "Teal’c, have you heard of any ‘glowing beings’ before?"

"I have not, Colonel Mitchell. I do not recall any references to such a person in my people’s history, either."

"Sam, what about you?"

"I’ve got nothing either."

Cam turned back toward Daniel. "How far have you gotten into those books, Daniel?"

"I’m only on the second book. Hang on a minute." Daniel stopped and began reading again in earnest. He stood again and got a shocked expression on his face. He couldn’t believe what he was reading.

Cam noticed his expression. "Whoa, there, Jackson. What’s that look for?"

Daniel looked up and pushed up his glasses. "I think I found out who the ‘glowing being’ is."

"You mean was," Sam corrected him.

"No, I mean is. Towards the back of the book there's an obscure reference by a villager of a ‘beam of light with a head and no body’. The other villagers dismissed it as nonsense and laughed at the villager."

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