More Than Friends

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Lauren's POV

It's been two and a half months since Josh and I broke up. I've made friends with a girl named Jaquelyn since then. But every day I think about how I lost my one true best friend.
Jaquelyn knows about my relationship with Josh. She doesn't know every single thing of course but she knows that I dated him for 6 months and that I loved him.
It's been so hard dealing with not being around him. Not seeing him and talking to him every day. He called me for weeks after, leaving me messages and trying to work this out. And I kept ignoring him.
Deep down, I wish I had never done it. I've regretted that decision since the day I made it, but how am I supposed to tell him that? How am I supposed to explain that every single part of me didn't want to break up with him but I did it anyways?
Jaquelyn had invited me to her schools football game. They were facing their rival school so it was supposed to be one of the most fun games to go too. And I knew that going would get my mind off of Josh so I agreed.
We walked into the stadium and you could feel the energy all around. It's crazy how people from Nashville get so into football games. They cover themselves in body paint, buy team sweatshirts, make signs and tons of crazy things to support their team. Jaquelyn invited her friends Jake, Matt, Steven and Samantha along with us. They got here before we did and saved us seats, so we walked up the bleachers to go sit with them. I sat with Matt on my left, Jaquelyn on my right and Samantha directly in front of me. They game had just started when we arrived and suddenly I heard someone yelling from about 8 rows back.
I looked back diagonally to my left to see Drew standing up and waving his hands to try and get someone's attention.

Drew- "JOSH!! Up here!!"

My heart started racing as I scanned the bottom of the stands looking to see if I actually heard right. I finally see him and I feel my heart drop. Im sitting with Jaquelyn, Samantha and 3 guys that mean nothing to me. I hardly know anything about these people.
But just seeing him makes me think of the 4th of July when he first kissed me, or when he made me feel like I was important and beautiful when no one else did. The boy who made me fall in love with him. The boy who I left heartbroken and I've regretted leaving ever since that day I saw him with roses in his hand. Seeing him made me think of how thoughtful and loving he was when I was sad and needed someone to talk to or take my mind off of things. How no one has ever been there for me the way he was.
He may not have been the guy straight out of a romance movie that sweeps you off of your feet with extravagant romantic gestures. But he was the guy who would answer your calls when you need someone to cry to at 4 in the morning, and hold you until you felt strong enough to lift your head again.

As he started walking up the bleachers to sit with his friends he looked over my way. Our eyes met. He gave me a weak smile, trying to hide the pain that I left him in before he sat down ripping his eyes away from mine.
We never should have ended. He was different. He gave me hope when I didn't have any left. All I wanted to do was tell him how I sorry I really was.

Josh's POV

Drew and Robert were right. Our relationship wasn't normal. It was so much simpler, so much better. But I was average when I could have done so much more to keep her by my side. I should have been better for her. Natalie told me I would lose the people I love most if I didn't open up. Now the girl I'm looking at is just a distant stranger. I look at the girl that I am completely in love with, the one I probably won't ever stop loving and I can't stop thinking one thing...
This is how we end. Nothing More Than Friends.

The END!
I am thinking about writing a sequel but I don't know if I should or not. I want to know what you guys think. Would you read the sequel if I wrote one? And what did you guys think of how Lauren and Josh ended? Did you want them to end up together or not? I really hope you guys enjoyed this story and let me know if you want a sequel. If you do than I may start writing one. Thank you so much to all of you that took the time to read!(:

More Than Friends (Lauren Cimorelli fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt