Dinner night

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Lauren's POV

I heard a knock at the door so I ran from the kitchen to go answer it. I opened it up and saw Josh standing there. Whoa... He looked really good. He wore black Jeans with rips in the knees and a white t-shirt with a navy blue and white colored short sleeve- shirt over it. (See picture above) He wore a black beanie over his brown hair which was probably messy considering he said he only puts a beanie on if he's having a bad hair day.

"Hey you're here! Come in I'll introduce you to everyone!"

We walked in and he met my little brothers and gave them high fives while smiling cheekily at them. He then gave Alex a "bro hug" and greeted my sisters. Even though he had met all my sisters Christina hugged him and then whispered something in his ear with a stern look on her face. Josh looked intimidated when he pulled away but smiled through it. Then I saw him say to her "of coarse... I wouldn't have it any other way" or at least that's what it looked like but I couldn't hear for sure. Then my dad came in from outside and my mom walked out from the kitchen to come meet him. Josh looked a little nervous but I'm not sure why because it's not like a boyfriend meeting the family. My parents just like to know my friends and make sure that they aren't bad influences. My dad walked up to him first because he was in the room before my mom had left the kitchen. My dad reached out his hand.
"Hi sir. Uh I'm Josh Comi... It's really nice to meet you. Lauren's told me a lot of great things about you guys."

"Yeah it's nice to meet you to son. I've been wondering who my daughter has been spending all her time with this last week."

Luckily my mom came out right after that with a warm smile because Josh looked nervous talking to my dad. He's cheeks were turning a little red. It was kind of cute that he was nervous to meet them. That obviously means he cares to make a good first impression.

"Hi sweet heart I'm mom Cimorelli!"

"Hi it's so nice to meet you! I'm Josh"

"I hope your hungry for dinner! It's all ready so you guys can come eat."

We all sat down for dinner and started eating. And then it started. Josh was right about the interrogation. It's like rapid fire questions from my family but mostly Christina and my dad.

Christina-" So Josh you're 18... Do you have a girlfriend or have you ever had one? Tell me. These are important questions."
Josh- "I don't have a girlfriend and no I haven't been in a serious relationship or anything."
Dad-" what's your family like? Your parents and siblings?"
Josh- "well I have 7 sisters. One of them is my twin Jacy and the other 6 are all older: Natalie, Alex, Nina, Zoey, Jenna and Brittany. And my moms name is Sandra. We're all super close, we've always been really family oriented."
Dad- " What about your dad? Sorry I didn't hear you mention him."
Josh- "My dad's name is David and he was an incredible and awesome guy. He always taught us to treat others with love and respect and support each other no matter what."
Dad- " oh well it sounds like you have a great family and that they've taught you well"

I noticed Josh say "was" past tense. He said "was" really quietly the only reason I heard it is because I'm sitting right next to him. I don't think anyone else heard him say that just the good part because then Christina started drilling the questions when it was only my sisters and parents left at the table.

Christina- "So Josh... Are you two just friends because that's what Lauren insists? I mean you did only meet a week ago."
Josh- "Yeah just friends. It's just been nice getting to know her and hang out with her."
Lauren- "okay we are just friends... Are you done pinning him down with questions now?"

Christina's POV

I asked Josh if he could help me clear things off the table after everyone had gotten up and either went to their rooms or say in the living room. Lauren was in the living room and I could tell she was wondering what I was going to talk to Josh about.

Christina- "I'm just curious, you seem like a nice guy. And I really hope you don't have bad intentions. But I've been hurt by a lot of guys before my boyfriend I have now. I know that a lot of people don't have good intentions in a friendship between guys and girls."
Josh-"Honestly we are just friends. It's been a week that we've known each other and that's it. But I do hope you know that I respect Lauren very much. And I don't take any friendship I have for granted. I don't ever intend on that being the case in the future. I just have genuinely enjoyed being around her, she's goofy and funny and she makes me laugh. And she's really kind to other people. Those are all the qualities I look for in any friend. So no I have no intentions of taking advantage of or hurting your sister."
Christina- "Okay.. She's still young and so are you. You're 18 I just want to make sure neither if you end up hurt that young.... Oh and by the way, when you were talking about your dad you said was. Do you not talk anymore?"

More Than Friends (Lauren Cimorelli fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें