Tell Me

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A Few Weeks after the BBQ...

Lauren's POV

This past month and a half has been amazing since I've finally started to make new friends. When we first moved here I thought I wouldn't have any because everyone already knew each other. I was just the new girl and I didn't really fit anywhere. I thought I was going to end up isolated. But I met Josh and he's  been so nice. He has included me in everything and I'm getting closer with his sister Jacy too. Honestly I think he was right about Shane. As soon as I feel like I'm getting anywhere with him he blows me off and makes me feel like nothing. It hurts to feel like a second choice, like I'm not good enough as I am.
Josh is the closest friend I have in Nashville and we joke and mess around but as soon as Shane comes around he makes some excuse to leave. And I think that's because he knows what Shane's doing to me and he doesn't want to betray Shane as a friend, so he just doesn't get involved. I've felt so rejected by Shane I just didn't know if it's worth it anymore. He doesn't make me feel like I am anything special. As soon as I feel rejected I usually just sit in my room and isolate myself from my family and my friends. But I didn't want to do that anymore. Instead I thought I'd text Josh and see if he wanted to hang out since it's been a few days since I had seen him.

L- Hey! I miss you and I'm just having a bad day. Can we go do something?
J- Hey of course! I'll pick you up in like 15 minutes?
L- yeah that sounds awesome!
J- oh and where something warm

Josh's POV

I knew why she was down already. Shane told me he was over her. She's "boring" and that "I could have her now."
I knew that this was the moment natalie said I needed to be there for her the most. I'm driving over there now and thinking about what the best thing to do to get her mind off of it. I pulled up to her house and knocked on the door. Mom Cimorelli answered and invited me in. I told her I was here to get Lauren so she told Joey to run upstairs and get her. She came down and hurried to give her mom a hug before we left.

Mom Cimorelli- "Joshua it's 6 so have her home no mater than 10 o'clock alright?
Josh- "Yes ma'am not a second later I promise!"

We walked out and she got in the passenger seat of my old pick up truck.

Lauren-"Hey! So where are we going?"
Josh-"Piers cove. That's why you I told you to dress warm!"
Lauren- "You're taking me to go miniature golfing? How old are we five? Hahahaha"
Josh- "Hey don't hate! Miniature golf is the best thing ever because it brings out your inner 5 year old. Everyone loves mini golf. And you should know that I'm amazing at it so I'm gonna kick your butt. So get ready Cimorelli."
Lauren- "You're so on. How about loser has to buy chicken wings."
Josh- "I'm a gentleman. I'll pay for dinner but I won't mind rubbing it in your face when I win" I side smirked because I knew it would push her buttons.
We got to Piers and went inside to go get putters and golf balls. Then we went outside and started playing. When I picked Lauren up I could tell she was sad, but as soon as we started playing I could see her start to smile and light up like she normally does. It was dark but the coarse is lite up so that you can play at night (which was way better than during the day).
We had just finished the 5th hole when she looked up at me. I never realized how beautiful her eyes were before. It wasn't the kind of "I love the color of your eyes beautiful." No. It was the fact that you could see exactly how she was feeling when you looked into her eyes. You can see every emotion. When she's happy, or sad, or insecure or excited. She didn't need to say a single word for me to know exactly how she was feeling. That was way more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined. I noticed I was staring at her eyes for a long time and then snapped out of it. Lauren noticed because she giggled. I could feel my cheeks turning a little red. Thankfully Lauren interrupted that extremely embarrassing moment.

Lauren- "Can I ask you something?"
Josh- "Of course."
Lauren- "What scares you about opening up to people? We've been friends for a couple months now and I feel like you know more about me than I know about you."
Josh- "I'm not scared to open up about most things. But there's just some things that I've never talked about with anyone. And that's the one thing that scares me the most."
Lauren- "Okay. How about this. I'll tell you what scares me more than anything. Because it's okay to be scared... But first... tell me. Then we won't be scared alone."

Those two words were ringing in my head... "Tell me"

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