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I know this is a large time jump but it is essential for the flow of the story line. Just a pre warning haha! Hope you enjoy the last few parts of the story!

FFW 3 months...

Lauren's POV-

Me and Josh have been together for about six months. I'm just in a really confusing place right now.
I know he loves me and I love him. He's amazing. But I don't know if our relationship is going to make it and that thought kills. I just don't think I can be with him. A few months ago we talked about him not letting me in. And as far as I know we worked it out.
But if I ever ask about something from the accident or his dad he tries to change the subject or avoid it. He said to be patient and I've been trying to be patient. But how long am I supposed to be patient before things change.
The only person I could think of that I wanted to talk to about this was Christina. Her and Nick have been together for years and she's into physcology. So hey since I can't find out what Josh is thinking when he's upset maybe she knows!
I walked upstairs to Christina's room and opened the door just enough to peek my head around it.

Lauren- "Christina can we talk? I need some advice."
Christina- "Yeah of course!"
She patted her bed for me to come sit next to her.
Lauren- "I don't know what to do. Me and Josh got in an argument a few months ago about him not letting me in . He won't tell me anything about his past with the accident or his dad or anything when it comes to him being vulnerable. And he said then that he would change and that he just needed me to be patient with him. But how long am I supposed to wait? I don't know what to do."
Christina- "Can I ask you something?"
Lauren- "Yeah?"
Christina- "Do you love him?"
Lauren- "Yeah I do."
Christina- "Does he treat you well? Are you happy when you're around him?"
Lauren- "Yeah but where are you going with this?"
Christina- "Laur, his life is different than ours. He's had to go through things that a lot of people don't ever have to go through. He lost his dad because a drunk driver hit their car. That situation isn't something that people want to talk about. Whatever happened to him has made him closed off. I don't know if he is going to be like that forever. Most of the time it takes people a long time to open up after something like that happens. But you have to decide what you want to do. You can wait. And he could open up and be the best thing that's ever happened to you. Or he could stay closed off. But either way you have a decision to make on what you want to do. Because as far as he knows you are the girl who he's in love with that he plans on being with. So do you want to break up with him? Or do you want to stay with him and give him a chance to get over the fear of letting you in?"
Lauren- "What if he stays closed off forever? What if I stay with him but I'm never truly close to him? What do I do then?"
Christina- "I told you. It's a decision that You have to make. Not anyone else."
Lauren- "What would you do if this situation was reversed? Everything I told you and you told me was reversed but it was about nick. Then what would you do?"
Christina- "I would give him a chance. Because if he loves me, and is kind and treats me with respect than he deserves a chance."
Lauren- "I don't know what to do chris.."

She hugged me tight. It must have been obvious that I needed one because when Lisa came in the room she did the same. Now I'm left even more confused. How am I supposed to leave someone who I love and I can't imagine going a day without talking too? But on the other hand, how am I supposed to stay with someone who won't let me be close to them the way I let them be close to me."

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