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Josh's POV

Me and Lauren have been hanging out a lot since we first met. I really like spending time with her. She's awkward and goofy but in a good way. She's really introverted and I'm the complete opposite but it somehow works. But since I've spent every day with her since last Sunday and she's coming over tomorrow night for the bbq, my friends are starting to ask about her more. I was with Shane and he started asking more than he ever had before.

S-"So what's up with you two?"

"What do you mean?"

S- " I mean like do you have a thing for her. You've spent every day with her and I know a few of those days were vbs but you still spend a lot of time with her"

" I mean she's cute but I just like hanging out with her. Were just friends" I was kind of confused why it was such a big deal to be friends with a girl without it being something else.

S- "You just seem happier than you have been in a while. It's just nice to see you acting like your old self again."

I knew what he meant. I haven't acted the same with my friends or my family since everything happened a couple years ago. But I like having a friend who doesn't know everything about me and feel sorry for me just because I've had some messed up things happen. It's not a friendship because she feels bad for me, it's a friendship because we like being around each other. And I really appreciated that after I've felt like everyone else's charity case this past year. I'm just an average guy with her. And to be honest I never thought that I would want to be an average guy with someone like her. She is pretty incredible but I'm just gonna stick with friendship and getting to know her. Whoever said a guy and a girl can't be friends without having feelings for each other is wrong. Because so far were doing it. Even if I casually flirt with her I can't really help it. Flirting with her just happens. It's kind of my personality. And I'm pretty sure she's aware of that at this point.

S- "so when are you two friends hanging out again?"

"I'm going over to her house later tonight. Her parents want to meet me probably so they know their daughter isn't hanging out with a creep haha"

S- "good luck bro. Parents and siblings. I know you say you two are friends but that is the central place they can corner you and ask whatever they want. Protective instincts are gonna come out tonight."

He was right. Best behavior tonight and make sure it's clear we are just friends. Then I won't get attacked with questions. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Lauren.

L- Lauren
J- Josh

L- hey I just wanted you to know you don't have to come if you don't want to. My parents are just protective. I just don't want you to feel like you're forced

J- no I'm excited to come! I've only met a few of your sisters so I want to meet the rest of them.

L- okay as long as you're sure(: as long as I'm still your favorite person out of my family by time you leave then it's okay haha

J- I mean I'm sure your family is incredible but they can't compete with you😏

L- Do you flirt with everyone in regular conversation or just me? Because my mom is happily married she doesn't need an 18 yr old flirting with her Hahahah

J- nah you're the only one I flirt with in "regular conversation" unfortunately for everyone else they don't get the privilege of my charm

L- Oh such a privilege!

J- your parents know we are just friends right? Because I'm actually getting a little nervous to meet them

L- I don't think they buy that a guy and girl hanging out are just friends. But I wouldn't be nervous

J- you aren't nervous because you won't be getting interrogated about a relationship with their daughter.

L- You will be fine. Just hurry up and get ready so you can get over here!

More Than Friends (Lauren Cimorelli fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang