We came up to the Auto Shop and Harry ran up and began his nasty make out shit with Jenna, just ew. Liam walked up and gave me a hug, "Anything happen? Do I need to teach Jenna another lesson?" Liam started.

"No Li. It's all good. It was quite for the most of the time, but she bought me a monster." I put on a sarcastic smile and lifted the empty bottle.

Liam giggled and grabbed my bottle to go put it in the can return bin. "Hey can I talk to you?" A random voice came from behind me, it was Zayn.

I turned around and smiled, "Sure." and I followed Zayn to another part of the store. He walked into an empty room.

"Ok..." He sighed and started rubbing his hands together. "You're Liam's sister."

"No really? Tell me more."

"Whoa. Jenna's rubbing off on you!" I put my weight on one hip and I started tapping my left foot. "Ok, what I'm trying to say is.." He continued to rub his hands together. "Ugh I can't say it."

I knew he could tell I had a puzzled look on my face. My eyes widened as I noticed his head position getting closer rapidly and eventually his lips crashed perfectly onto mine. It didn't feel right but it felt good so I let it go on and it escalated quickly. I moved back my arms to prop myself up onto the desk, Zayn and I still not parting from each other. His hands were on my waist pulling me closer to him. He leaned onto my chest so I laid back and we stayed like that for a few moments until he pulled away.

"We should probably stop." I managed to say in between breaths.

"You're right." Zayn slowly stood up and I jumped off the desk. We both straightened our shirts and ran our fingers threw our hair to look normal.

Zayn stepped forward and opened the door for me, we walked out back the the group and automatically joined into the conversation. I glanced up to see Zayn smiling at me from the other side of the group and I mouthed the words 'it never happened'. I could see the main swarm into his body, it's like his whole spirit was swallowed whole.

"I need to go! Harry you're coming with me." Jenna said checking her phone. She handed me the brown paper bag she held. "Here eat these if you want."

"Um... Okay." I said and she pulled Harry behind her.

"See you later guys." Harry waved and closed the door behind him. I turned to Liam who took the bag and set it down on a counter with tools scattered on it.

"You thirsty?" He asked me and I nodded.

"What do you have?" I questioned.

"Coke and bee-... Yeah you can have coke. Zayn!" Liam shouted at Zayn who was leaning against the wall.

"Yeah?" He pushed off the wall and looked at Liam.

"Get Calli a Coke." He ordered and Zayn nodded heading to the back.

"So whatcha doing?" I asked my brother sitting down in a chair near the counter. He picked up a wrench and started flipping it in the air.

"Well nothing right now." He sighed. Suddenly came up from behind me and handed me a can of Coke, our fingers brushing.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and he nodded not changing his dull expression.

"Why are you so down?" Liam asked him. Zayn took a deep breath.

"Parents were fighting this morning. They were yelling at me about some test I failed." He answered almost as if that was actually the reason. Hell I would've believed him if I weren't the actual reason.

"How does Zayn Malik fail a test?" Liam's eyes were wide.

"If he tries real hard." Zayn laughed.

"You failed it on purpose?" My brother was grinning.

"Nah I just fell asleep." Zayn shrugged. "Teacher took it from me before I woke up."

"Calli don't get any ideas from our conversations." Liam warned and I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry I get enough sleep." I assured but turned my head a little to mumble to myself. "If I didn't you'd kill me."

"I say... We close the shop up early and go to the bar for some food." Zayn suggested taking a look around the almost empty room. Liam looked as if he was making a decision but set the rusty tool down.

"I agree. I'll close up, you two can wait outside." Oh fuck.

"Uh... Alright." I hopped out of my chair and walked next to Zayn out the door. Outside, he took out a cigarette and lit it blowing the smoke out. "You smoke too?"

"Yes. Everyone does." He answered. I knew Liam smoked.

"Does Niall?" I had to ask. Zayn gave me a long look, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Like I said. Everyone." He blatantly replied.

"Okay so you're pissed at me now." I hugged crossing my arms and leaning against the brick wall.

"I'm not pissed off at you. I'm the one that has the problem here." He told me. Somehow I didn't quite believe him.

"It's not a problem that you like me." I said. "I mean... I don't care."

"Yeah you made that pretty clear. Can we forget about it?" He asked gaining annoyance in his tone.

"That's not what I meant. I do care. I like you too, but as a friend. Nothing more. And I really want it to stay that way between us." I stated. He averted his eyes from the ground to mine. I watched the corner of his lips tug up into a smirk.

"You gotta admit that was hot kiss though." He laughed and I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his statement. "What?"

"You're such a guy." I smiled at him.

"What's wrong with being a guy?" He asked in defense.

"All you care about is cars and girls!" I answered.

"That is not all we care about!" I have him a look. "You forgot food."

"Oh I'm sorry." My laughter finally died down and the door to the shop opened, Liam walking out.

"You guys ready?" He asked us and we nodded. Zayn threw his cigarette to the ground stepping on it and walking next to us, me being in the middle.


Laying in my bed that night, I started to think about two things. Two people I should say.

Zayn first of all. He is so sweet and funny. Not to mention he's hot as fuck. But I can only imagine him as a friend and nothing more. And I'm happy that he's okay with that.

I knew we were going to see each other in the morning -he reminded me at dinner by saying 'see you in the morning'- and I couldn't wait. I liked talking to Zayn. He's really understanding.

And then there's Niall. I still haven't figured him out. He's just so secretive and somehow it makes me more into him. I'm not gonna lie I'm obviously attracted to him. There's just something that draws me to him. Not just because of his looks but just... Him.

He saved my ass twice. He got suspended for me. He kissed me. He took care of me after a nasty attack from Jenna. He's done so much for me. I know it's not because he's randomly doing sweet selfless acts for everyone. Hearing from everyone I know, he's not that type of person. So there's gotta be something there that makes him do this. Right?

The Gang // AU One DirectionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora