Chapter 3 October

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I froze, so afraid of Roger's idea of "fun." I didn't want to know. He pulled me up roughly so I was in the sitting position. Frank had been awakened as well and had scooted down to the foot of the bed. Roger released my arm and reached inside of his flannel coat. He pulled out a gun swung it lazily in my direction. I gasped and pulled back.

"Are you ready for your first test?" His face was full of viciousness. "Eeny, meeny," He alternated pointing the gun between us. "Miney moe." He stopped at Frank and cocked the gun.

"No!" I shrieked.

Roger looked at me thoughtfully. "What's wrong? Do you want to die instead? Are you ready to lay down your life for your favorite rock star? Is he important enough that you'd risk never seeing your son again because of him?"

Frank looked at me with tears in his eyes.

Whimpering, I covered my eyes. "Just don't shoot him."

He laughed and unlocked the gun. "I'm not. What I'm going to do will be a lot more fun than just shooting him in the face." He reached into his pocket again, this time pulling out a syringe. "Ready, October?"

"Oh, hell no" I screamed, jumping up to a standing position on the bed. I tried to get around him and jump off the bed, but he grabbed hold of my ankle. Frank sprang into action, tackling him.

"Get the gun!" I screamed. I'd reached the door and was frantically trying to open it. The two men wrestled around on the floor, Roger grunting and groaning, as he was much older and not in very good shape.

"Eddie! Eddie, help me" Roger bellowed.

I backed away from the door as I heard lock being slid from the other side. Eddie stood there grinning at me.

"Hi, October." My mouth dropped open. I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. My rage finally came to the surface and I began punching him.

"You cocksucker, you set me up!" I hit him as hard as I could in the jaw and sent him back a few feet.

"Bitch" He squealed, covering his face where I'd hit him.

"Eddie!" Roger pleaded breathlessly. Frank hadn't given up and was getting the better of him. The gun had clattered to the floor a few feet on the other of them and Frank was frantically reaching for it. Seeing this, I quickly jumped across the pile and wrapped my hand around the gun. It was just a quickly taken from me, however, as Eddie jumped on top of me, pulling my hair and jerking my head back. He grabbed the gun and hit me in the face repeatedly until I lost my grip and fell forward. I lay there face down as there was more scuffling behind me. I could feel blood trickling down my face from the wound on my forehead where the gun had hit me.

I rolled over as Roger was getting up breathlessly. Eddie had the gun pressed against the back of Frank's head.

"If you ever," Roger said, panting, "EVER try to do something like that again, I'll kill you both slow." Frank lay on the floor looking completely defeated as Eddie pressed the gun hard into the side of his head.

"Eddie, what the fuck?" Roger exploded, shoving him. "You almost let her take you. She's a fucking girl." Eddie stared at the floor, looking ashamed. "Aww, I think you'll have a bruise there." Roger flicked him on the cheek where I'd hit him, and Eddie winced.

"Get the fuck up," Roger demanded, glancing at Frank, then at me. He snatched the gun from Eddie.

"Go sit on the bed." We both got up slowly and sat down next to each other on the bed. Frank had a strange smile on his face.

"Hey, you're hurt," He whispered.

I nodded, holding the back of my sleeve to my forehead to stop the bleeding. "I had that fucking gun," I whispered.

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. That was awesome."

"Stop fucking talking." Roger demanded, kicking the bed. We both jumped and looked up at him.

"You two think you're so fucking cool, don't you?" He began pacing back and forth in front of us. "That was stupid. Really fucking stupid. It will backfire, I promise you that. It always will. Everything will be so much worse when you pull bullshit stunts like that."

I glared at Eddie from the bed. He smiled back queerly.

"Why are you so mad at me, October?"

"Fuck you," I spat.

"Don't talk to my son like that" Slap.

I shook my head slowly. "Your son. Awesome."

Frank nudged me, wide-eyed. "You know this guy?"

"No, not really. We met this douche when we first got to Texas. He hit on my cousin and started this huge fight between us. Was that the plan, Eddie? To get us separated so she wouldn't be a factor?"

Eddie gave a quick nod and laughed. "God, that didn't take you very long to figure out." I wanted to lunge at him again, but thought better of it.

"Now that we're done with the bullshit," Roger began, twirling the syringe around in his hand, "We can get down to business. Eddie, hold her." Eddie was on me in a second, pinning me back on the bed.

"Get off me, you motherfucker" I shrieked, twisting, kicking, and trying to bite him. Frank grabbed Eddie and started pulling him off, but Roger grabbed him by the back of the neck behind and threw him onto the floor. He reached under Eddie who was sitting on top of me and plunged the needle deep into my stomach.

Eddie got off me and I rolled over, howling in pain. "Why are you doing this to me, Eddie? Why?"

"When this is all over, you'll be way better off. You'll see."

"I fucking hate you." I was beginning to lose consciousness, so it came out slurred.

"No you don't. You love me."

I couldn't respond as my mind grew fuzzy and I started to pass out.

Roger turned to Frank, who still lay on the floor. "Alright, my boy. Let's get him set up."

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