"Well, I'll fuck more than you ever have!" Dan tried to retaliate, try and look less weak, but this failed abysmally because all he remembers is finding Shane's fist connecting with his nose, to be shortly awoken in the nurses office.

I shuddered at the memory, but this is why I'm doing this. It's simple, in English tomorrow Phil and I will just have to work extremely hard, because there is no way I'm meeting him after school.


It was third lesson and I had just walked into English to be met with Phil shyly smiling at him.

"Hey," I returned the smile, forgetting my intentions completely.

"I think it's safe to say that we both forgot about this project," he awkwardly laughs, knowing me well enough already that I'd forgotten or not cared enough to say anything.

"Yeah, I guess so, aha and I also presume that we need to meet up after school again to work because look how behind we are, once again, on a project." I simply state the obvious.

"True. My house or yours and I don't care when." He negotiates.

"How about tomorrow, at mine? I mean we can completely avoid Alfie and that, we can just hang around here for a bit before we go home because that means he won't know that you came home with me."

"Yeah, okay. I'll just message my Mum, Chris and PJ telling them not to worry about me tomorrow, thanks Dan."

"It's okay, now then, let's try and start this then?"

"Yeah, let's."

We both kinda just sit there and smile. I think Phil's slowly gaining my trust and we could have one of those secret friendship things.

If I don't fuck it up again, of course.

At lunch, we completely missed Phil, which is good because this way he wouldn't hate me, yet again, if anything bad happened.

Between going to next lesson, I did find Phil and Chris walking through the science block as we all had different lessons we were just in different sets.

Phil smiled again whilst Chris glared. I presume Phil told him about tomorrow, but I'm guessing that between what's happened recently and the events at the party, he must hate me. Yet another 'friendship I need to try and repair.


The day at school pasted slowly and I was waiting for Phil where we agreed it would be safe.

The boys toilets in the Maths block.

I mean, it want very nice waiting in the toilets, but it would be worth it. I'm sure.

After waiting another five minutes, Phil finally rushes in.

"Sorry for being late, didn't want to risk it, y'know." I understand his point. He probably waited to make sure Alfie and left without me and making sure this wasn't a trap.

"No it's okay, I understand. My house it is them?" He nods in agreement, "oh and don't worry about my Mum or Dad walking in, they work together, that's how they met, and probably won't be home. Don't worry about my brother."

Once again he smiles, he has a nice smile and his teeth are a really nice shade of white. His blue eyes beautifully contrast with his paper white skin, making him look like an angel.

We begin the walk home in a comfortable silence, and luckily my house is relatively close to school, it only takes about ten minutes.

"Where can I put my shoes please?" He asks politely. I point to where he should put his shoes and motion him to move forward and follow me to my room.

"Yeah, my rooms pretty messy, sorry," I explain, if Alfie was here instead of Phil, I probably wouldn't care, but this is different. The more I'm around Phil, the more that I want to be actual friends with him.

"Same, don't worry, my room's probably a lot worse," he chuckles to himself, cute.

'No!' Dan's mind mentally shouts, 'you know you can't act or think like this! Do what's right, act normal!'

"No," I accidentally mumbles out loud.

"What?" Phil must've heard, oh god.

"Nothing, anyway, let's do this, shall we?"


"So we'll just read from our noted and have a debate in the front of the class, yeah?" We both agreed having a live debate would be different from what the rest of the class was doing, we didn't want some cliched script.

"Yeah, sounds good." I agree.

"I suppose I better go then, thank ps for having me round," he genuinely smiles.

"It's okay, do you wanna do the same thing again tomorrow so we can rehearse what we're going to say?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice, thanks Dan."

"It's okay, bye Phil, see you at school tomorrow," I say still smiling.

"Yeah, bye Dan." he smiles and without he's out of the house.

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