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TITLE TRANSLATION- Listen to me my love, Shower on me ,the inks of love!

Thanx dears for your support .....I am back with a new chap!!Something unexpected will happen in this on!


I woke up to find aadi was looking at me sitting in a chair infront of bed....did he not sleep?Serves him right for hurting rippu anna.

"Angel,I am sorry,look I didn't knew rippu..",I showed him my hand to stop.

"Look it's saturday morning and I want to enjoy my weekend,dont spoil it!".I started getting ready.

"Angel why are you getting all dolled up?"

"I am not",I said gritting my teeth.

"Is it for him angel?for your date?"

"For god sake aadi,Me and monu are "FRIENDS",And its not a date...Hell!! Why am I even explaining to you!! You said you were not jealous?"

"Yes angel I am not",He might have changed,But still hard headed,I will also see until when he will maintain his cool facade.

"Okay if you or not jealous then its none of your business",By now he came near me and grabbed my arm.

"Its my business angel,YOU.ARE.MY.BUSINESS!",he was angry now,his arm moved to my waist and he held me tightly......"Go to hell",I shouted and went out with monu.


"Do you think he is here?",I asked monu,I think for the hundredth time.We were eating icecream and walking on the beach.

"Yes,I am damn sure he is following us!"

"Then where is he?",I frowned.

"Looks like you are so eager to be with him!",monu chuckled...."Whatever",I replied.

"Do you want him here now?I can make him appear in front of you in 2 seconds?",monu asked.

"Dont be too much haan...How can you?That too two seconds?",I asked monu

"If I prove it to you then will you spend whole day with aadi?"

"What are you trying to play cupid monu?"

"No i am giving you punishment tara,You hate aadi,so I am making you spend a whole day with him...k say r you ready for the bet?"

"Ready as ever,Now prove it.".....Thats it ,Monu grabbed my hand and pulled me closer...WHAT THE! What is he trying to do?He bent to kiss my cheek ....Then suddenly some one dragged me by my arm and pulled me to a hard chest.And before I had time to think his lips landed on mine.

A tingle ran through my body as his moist mouth closed slowly round mine. The kiss was gentle yet insistent, loving but possessive.I closed my eyes to better enjoy the sensation as his tongue lightly swept across and between my slightly parted lips. There was an edge of urgency about the kiss, a hunger that might suddenly rage out of control, yet strangely tender and sensuous. I felt trickling across my body as he moved his lips over and round my mouth, tender firm kisses working from the corners, slowly but deliberately nibbling , tasting my lip gloss and softness. He held me harder like he was seizing rightfully what is his. The slow sensual kiss turned wilder with time. His lips getting more furious and rougher. I came back for air. We held each other.

"A..aadi",I said weakly.I am shocked,How dare he come and kiss me?

Aadi kneeled down in front of me ,Does he want to fall on my feet and say sorry for the kiss?No,He tied my shoelace that had come undone. It was just so endearing! I don't know why, I just liked it. Am I forgiving him?Am I falling for him?

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