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TITLE TRANSLATION: Oh dear one,What have you done?

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"What are you talking about?How can you marry her...That chawl girl!Her saree might not even cost 300 bucks,Are you serious?",My granny shouted at me looking at tara with disgust.How can she look at my angel like that?

"Granny How can you look at her like that and how can you talk to her like that.Get it clear through your head,I am elder enough to take my decisions,and I choose to be with tara,I did not ask for your opinions and feed back",I shouted at granny but I was sad,They raised me I cant talk to Them like that but on the same side I cant let anyone talk to my angel like that.I took a deep breathe.

"Granpa granny,I am so sorry for being rude to you,but I cant let u talk to my tara like that,I can understand You are angry on us,Punish me,Say me anything you like,but dont go to her,I promised infront of holy fire that I will never let anyone disrespect my wife,I will never let anyone harm her,What ever might be the danger,I will stand infront of her,And I intend on fulfilling every promise that concerns my wife",I said in one go.

"Oh what more can we expect from you,You are after all the son of gauri,What more habits you can get,Only like following the wrong path like your mother",granny said angrily,I am very angry,How can she talk like that about ma?

All this while granpa was silent,I dont understand what is he thinking.I was about to retort to my granny angrily but My granpa cleared his throat.

"Aadi okay I agree for your marraige, take your wife and come with us to hyderabad",Granpa said.

"How can you....",Granny was about to say something but grandpa showed her his hand to stop.

"Granpa I am sorry,We cant come right now,but we will be there in 2 months".

"Okay we will be waiting for you",Granpa said gruffly.

Me and tara bend to touch their feet to take blessings.Granny did not relent,But granpa put his hand on our head..."Children take care of each other and Aadi I will make the necessary arrangements at our guest house in vizag,You can live there for these two months and keep in touch",He said and they walked away.

"That was so smooth",Monu said in shock.

Yes even I was shocked .I did not expect grandpa to agree so easily.How did he agree so easily.


We were in the car on our way to guest house,I was so angry on my husband,How can be he so stupid?What about natasha and my brother?

"Are you insane,How can you agree on thier marriage?",I shouted at him.

"Because I felt the need to,Did you see aadi?How glowing he was?How happy and joyful he was?It is the first time in my life I am seeing aadi like that and it is because of that girl.If aadi's happiness Is with her,Then let it be,Let them be together",Mr.kashyap told his wife calmly.

"What about our status?Did you see her?She was so pathetic! She didn't even have a pair of proper earrings",I shouted at my husband,Don't he understand anything?How can I ever introduce that girl to anyone as our DIL?

"Everything is not about money Mrs.Kashyap,I already made two mistakes in my life,I dont wish to make anymore...I lost my daughter gauri because of my stubbornness ,I seperated aadi from his dad! See what it did to him,From the day he was away from his dad,He became cold like a stone,I dont want to seperate him from this girl too".

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