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TITLE TRANSLATION:On your love, on your time, Only I have the RIGHT !

Thank you soo much for your support...Reading your comments n your votes made me feel so happy,Please keep up your support like this.This chapter is dedicated to all my frns who showed their support for last chap...thank you dears!


Gauri-Kashyap's one and only child,Aadi's mom.

Gautam-Gauri's husband(in future chap),Aadi's father.

Mr.murthy-Mrs.Kashyap,i.e, Aadi's granny's brother.


My morning started with a ray of hope,Last night something changed in aadi,I might have slept,but I almost heard everything,There is a lot we need to talk,He understood what exactly I need,This morning he said me that he will give me time and space to think about all this.But I failed to understand that aadi's view of "SPACE" is totally different.

He started sitting or standing one feet away from me where ever we go,but he never let me out of his eyesight.I am irritated.

"AADI!! space doesnot mean you sit or stand one feet away from me!! I need some privacy,some alone time,look I am serious,leave me alone,I dont need a babysitter,I am not 2 years old!"

"But angel I get so bored without you",he pouted.

"Don't you have a company to run?Go and do that...and we are having a girls evening tonight,me and appu are hanging out,I dont want you anywhere near me",I said him very seriously,He tried all his joker,poker faces to plead me but I took my stand,Atlast he has to obey me.

"Angel ,Did you keep all you need?shall I please drop you?You see I can carry your bags",He kept on offering me his different services but I denied all of them.

Later in the evening me and appu had a very relaxing time,But when I opened my purse I didn't find my cards,There was even not a penny of money,Instead there was a note and a small pouch.

"Hello my Angel, I really wish that I was near you. I love you so much that all I want to offer you is great happiness and joy ..... I Vowed to Supply You Love and care for you always. And now that you are my responsibility ,This is for you to use on what ever you would like!!Please come back soon,I would be waiting for you!!

With loads of love -Your's darling hubby.

NOTE-Dont try to search for your credit card,I already shreded it into pieces and gifted it to the dustbin".

I closed the note and opened the pouch to find his credit card.Arghh!! What do I do with him?I quitely borrowed some money from appu,I didn't want to use his card.

"Hello my beautiful ladies!!",Said some one from behind.

"Rippu..",shouted appu,Ripul Bansal,he was her boyfriend.He always treated me like his little sister.

"Rippu anna,How are you?",I side hugged him.They say that friends are family you choose,In some cases they prove to be better than our family,For me friends became a family,I dont know what would have I been without them.

"I am fine dear,How are you baby?I heard you are having husband troubles?",He giggled.

Later appu went to do some surprise shopping,It was rippu anna's bday this weekend,she wants to organize a party for him,She asked me to distract him,So I took him to a food court and we started talking.

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