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HELLO my lovely readers..i am back with update,thankq for reading this story and voting n commenting on it!!


We reached the bustop slowly,where as aadi was still following me like a lost puppy,wenever i turn back he starts grinning ..ugghh i am irritated would be a understatement,who is he to come and wreck my well formed life? What does he want now?Even if he wanted something i dont have anything to give him.I already lost everything because of him... myself,my selfrespect,my body and my soul.Lost in my thoughts i stepped on a something slippery and lost my balance and was about to stumble backwards and fall down.

"Angel,watch out",he shouted and the next second i saw I was in his arms,one of his hands protectively held my waist,and the other hand was carassing my face very gently,tugging a few hairs which escaped my pony behind my ear.He was staring at me so gently so full of love and for one minute i forgot the monster he was,i came into the world immediately wen a few people who were passing on the road started chuckling.Everything came back like a slap on my face his insults,the days i cried,the day i almost died.I immediately regained my posture .

"Bus stop is here, and never touch me again,I would rather prefer to die than to get saved by you",I said and walked into the ticket counter. Immediateely I started looking for my purse,Stupid aadi,he kidnapped me! How come I will have a purse?.

"Dont worry angel,its on me!",he said, and started removing his wallet ,how come he got to know that i am searching for my purse?In reality I dont want to accept a penny of him, but I have to reach my home now.suddenly a thought came into my mind.

Aadi was about to buy the tickets,but for the plan i thought he should not be here.

"Aadi I will do this,you can go and stand out!",I said, please god send him out!

"No angel,its k u go and sit there.I will do everything",he said.

Noo he cant be here. "Aadi can you go and buy some food,i dint even have breakfast,i am hungry",yes now this will work.

Suddenly he started cursing himself like he made the worlds greatest mistake."Very sorry angel",he took out his purse,and there was my photo in it,so at the time he was crying at home, he was clutching my pic and kissing it i was in my thoughts when he took out a few notes and placed them in my palm,"you take the tickets, by then i will be before you with breakfast",he said and walked out.

I turned to the ticket manager."Sir give me two tickets for the vizag volvo bus,And please see that the seats are very far from one another, Like one seat should be at the starting of the bus and one should be at the end.",the manager gave me #areumad kind of look. "Sir please its important",I said .he nodded and gave me the tickets.One is seat 6 another one is seat 28.Thank god i dont have to sit with him. I did a little victory dance inside.

"Angel",shouted aadi.All the heads turned towards us.I irritatedly walked towards him.

"Stop calling me that!!",I shouted angrily.

 "But you are my angel",he pouted.

"No I am not ,and go and find some other girl for that,you are pretty good at that job anyway and never call me that stupid names",I said controlling my anger.

"Tara I know I had girls in my past,I was an asshole that time and it was my past , I cant change that,but now I am no more that guy,U r the only one for me,my life,my everything,k and about angel if you dont like that its k, what about baby,honey,darling?",he questioned innocently.I glared at him and walked away from him.

 After a while we boareded the bus.I gave him his ticket and went and sat at my seat.Thank god it was a window seat, beside me was an elderly uncle who smiled warmly at me I returned his smile and looked up.Aadi was standing there dumbly,serves him right.I smiled proudly at my work ,The bus started.I turned back to see aadi was talking something with his co-passenger.I closed my eyes.

Suddenly i heard aadis voice,He was speaking to the uncle beside me "Sir could you please excange your seat with mine,she is my wife and she is pregnant, i need to take care of her properly",he started doing the drama and all the aunties of the bus were very much impressed with him.My uncle gave his seat to him."You cant go away from me angel,you are stuck with me for this life time",he grinned.

"Pregant!!how can you lie like that?u disgust me!" I whisper shouted.

"Yes not now,but you would be in a very short time,and I am warning you,I want a whole cricket team,you better eat good and maintain your health", he grinned."By the way I still doubt y u r not pregnant,that night I dint use protection and we were doing it like for the whole night",he is smirking now.We were not doing it,u were forcing yourself upon me!!but u enjoyed it too,he was totally different that night,not the beast he usually was, i was talking to my subconcious mind.thinking about that night also brought all my memories back and tears treatened to spill.I think he noticed the mood change in me,he immediately changed the topic.

"Baby you said you were hungry,I bought breakfast for you,your favorite alu-poori,please eat",he said he openend the parcel and tried to give me. I dint take it.

"Okay" he said,he took ap piece of puri dipped it in curry and bought it near my mouth.He is killing me with His PDA. by this time all the ladies in bus were gushing over him and scolding their husbands.

"Aww..such a cute couple..the girl is so lucky to have him.. such a handsome and caring husband..did you ever feed me like this..Learn from that boy",I heard some voices of my passengers. hahaha,U must be glad that u did not get a husband like aadi I thought in my mind.

I took the packet from him,opened the window and threw it out,I did not care what people will think about me,I do not want anything from him,I will rather die of hunger!!i will return the ticket money too once i reach my home i thought, and i did not care to see his expressions.I closed my eyes leaned on the window and let my thoughts run.


It was my final year of college and dussehra holidays started,many students left for their homes,only a few remained,so the few students planned to go on a trip for araku valley,they also booked a bus,I too thought to go because I will miss seeing aadi in the holidays and I planned to confess my love for him on the trip, and bus ticket was also cheeper,my dad could afford it.

Appu and monu also tagged along me.

But later this mighty MR.AADITHYA KASHYAP,the only heir of the business world of kashyap enterprises did not want to come in the bus, as per him it was low class to travel in bus and he will die than to travel in bus,atlast he went and bought air tickets for all the group going.So I had to drop out of the trip,How much ever I can love him,I will not accept a flight ticket from him.As I dropped appu monu also dropped,but we 3 celebrated our little vacation by going to to different places in hyderabad.


That aadi is sitting in a bus beside me today.Did he really change i thought,but monsters like him will never change,and i will not believe him and fall for him again. 

Why FAIRY UNCLE,y did you make my life like this? with those thoughts i drifted into sleep.


So new character..who is this FAIRY UNCLE? what do u think about him.u will know it in few days,but a sneakpeak... he is the only reason the whole story started.

how is the chap guys?express your views by voting and commenting,please read and share the story if you like it.thank you so much for reading

.I will mostly update a new chapter today night!!dedicated to coffeeing for her beautiful book tied the knot.

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