Chapter two: Text message

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I took the cup and immediately realized it said something extra on the side. It read 'Come...' I looked back at the lady and asked if she wrote that, she shook her head no and went back to work.

This really creeped me out so I opened the lid of the cup "Ahhh! Wha! Wha?" There was ants and other bugs crawling out the cup and onto the floor because I had dropped the cup.

Everyone started to scream by now and work people ran over to tried to clean this buggy mess up.

"I'm so sorry, we'll get you another one right away."

"No, no please just..."

I ran through the crowed of panic and to outside. I'm pretty sure I looked terrified, I mean I was. What would happen if I didn't check that cup? The thought made me shiver. I found a taxi soon after and told him my address so he can take me home.

I had found myself comfortable in the back seat. After a few minutes of driving I realized he was not driving me home. It only takes 10 minutes to get home from Starbucks I was in this car for 30 minutes.

"Excuse me, did you get my address right? It only takes 10 minutes.."


" where is the destination you're taking me again?"


Then I realized something that was so off and I should have realized this before. The license plate that shows who is driving you was not in place.

"Where are you taking me!" I panicked
Was this it? Was my life over?
"Hehe.." The driver chuckled

No no no no! This can't happen not like this. As I panicked in the back seat I looked out the window for street signs to know where I am so I can call the police. We took a turn at a place called.... Nearest Park.

"Shit shit shit shit, no! Don't turn here! Stop!" Why the fuck was this happening?

That was it, I unbuckled my seat belt opened the car door and jumped out while it was still driving.

After I jumped out the car did not stop driving away. I began to walk out the park when I heard a car sounding as if it was speeding.

I turned around and saw the same fake taxi driving at full speed toward me. There was no where to run... Except the woods.

I ran into the woods packed with trees and the car was still going full speed my direction. But due to the laws of motion the car crashed into the first tree and the car was fucked up. I'm pretty sure who ever was driving it was dead.

I began to walk home again but since I've never been to nearest park before it took me all day to get home. Once I got inside the house there was a note on the table saying Marco is out for a bit. I just locked the door behind me and walked to my room.

I snuggled on my bed until I got comfortable, after all that today I needed rest. But my phone rang with calls and text spams from unknown numbers. I tried to ignore the fright text but sometimes I read them.
'I'm coming'
'I'm watching'
'The door'

I then heard a knock on the door and I was so ready to call the police but, what if it was Marco?

I went downstairs to the door, since we live in a crappy apartment, there was no peephole. I opened the door and nothing was there but darkness.

The electricity shut down and all the lights were out I couldn't see a thing. I started to walk toward the kitchen to get a flashlight but I had forgotten to shut the front door. I could not find the flashlight so I reached into my pocket for my phone.
Step step step

It sounded like someone shut the front door and ran upstairs. "Marco? Is that you?" I asked. I began to walk up the stairs to Marco's room. "I swear Marco if this was you this whole time I'm going to kill you."

I opened his door and I thought I was a dark female figure in the corner but why would someone be there, it's probably my eye sight.

As I was going to ignore it, it came from its stance and lashed as me cutting my side with something sharp. "Agh!" I feel to the ground, I was going into panic mode.

"Rhu..." I couldn't make you what it was saying all I knew is I had to get out and fast. BANG! BANG! No another one is at my door?

I ran downstairs to run out the back door. But before I could reach the knob I was thrown to a wall. I hit my head hard I had to get up but I was too dizzy.

The female figure was coming close to me until we heard "Come on Armin! Open the door!" The figure than faced the door.

"MARCO HELP ME!" I pleaded I was scared for my life. I head another bump on the door "PLEASE!" I yelled.

Next thing I know the door was busted open but I could still barely see. But I know I saw the figure run upstairs, and I watched it go up all the way.

"Armin?" I remembered Marco had came to the rescue and I tried to stand but I struggled.

I walked to Marco best I could and almost tripped so I landed a hand on his shoulder. He turned a around really fast and I hugged him like he was my life. This left him screaming for a second I guess this started him.

"She's still here." I mumbled in his shirt. I don't think he could hear me but he started calming me down so I could repeat what I said.

I know that was the window upstairs and as soon as Marco heard the crash he rushed up there after he made a stop at the kitchen.

I just called the police at this point, this is insane what is going on? They told me to stay on the phone and they will be here right away.

Marco came back downstairs unhurt and began asking me questions. I told him everything, from start to finish. He jumped a few times like I was telling him a scary story, which I kinda was...


Did you pee your pants? Because I sure did XD
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll update soon by!!!

The DEVIL in her. (An Armin x Annie fanfiction) SNK/AOT - Attack On TitanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu