Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...

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A few days later Castle and I had proven how much we loved each other. We had hot make out sessions while James was a school, and knew how to tease the other. Castle and I had just gone into the living room, when I saw mail lying on the counter. "What's this? It's addressed to me." I asked picking up the letter and examining the outside of the envelope. I then opened it and read the letter. I burst into sobs dropped the letter and fell to the ground. Castle immediately followed and read the letter. "Kate." Castle said, taking me into his warm embrace. "How, how was he let out?" I cried feeling vulnerable and useless. "It's ok, Josh can't to you, it's a big world and I'll protect you. So to get your mind off things let's go for a walk in central park." "Ok." I replied getting up with the help of Castle.

When we got to the park, I calmed down, and laced our hands together, and laid my head on his shoulder. Everything was going find until, I saw the person I never wanted to see ever again, strolling through the park, Josh. He immediately noticed me and grew a giant smirk on his face and started coming over towards me and Castle. Castle hadn't noticed yet. But me, on the other hand, stopped in my tracks and slowly started to walk backwards. Castle started to wonder what was going on. Josh picked up speed from across the park, and I started to run tears were falling and I couldn't stop. I felt like a child running away from a clown at Knott's Scary Farm. Castle ran after me trying to figure out why I was running. All around people were staring and a group of guys came up and stopped Castle, but I just kept in running.

RICK'S P.O.V. I started to run after Kate wandering why she was in fact running. People all around were watching when a group of guys stopped me. "Leave her alone." One of the guys said. "No! You don't understand, she my girlfriend. She started running." I said, trying to get them to let me pass. "It looks like you hurt her so we're not letting you go after her." I kept trying to get them to let me pass but they wouldn't and then from out of the corner of my eye I saw someone run passed me, I didn't get to see who it was, but some part of me knew it was bad.

KATE'S P.O.V. I didn't dare look back but I tried to find a hiding spot. I ran into a tunnel that was a little bit taller than me so I didn't have to bend down at all. I was crying non stop and starting to have a panic attack, it was getting dark and I was getting even more scared every second that passed. Their was a slight moment of silence and then I saw him. Standing tall at the other end of the tunnel. "Kate!" he called in his disgusting voice. "Leave me alone!" I screamed back, moving back further and further. He sprinted towards me and pinned me against the wall, smelling me inhaling my scent. I tried to fight back, but he must've gotten stronger in prison.

"Oh Katie, how I missed you." Josh said kissing my neck licking me and then smashing his lips onto mine. "Help! He-help!" I tried to scream, but Josh had me down and trapped. He started to open my jacket and unbutton my shirt when he was tackled off of me, by the guys who stopped Castle. They started to beat him up, but Josh got a couple of punches in. I fell to the ground and broke down. Castle came running towards me and I clung onto him and cried like a baby. Castle saw my half unbuttoned shirt and assumed the worst. He then brought me to himself tighter to know that I was now safe. Soon the guys got up and told Castle sorry for the misunderstanding. Josh was laying on the ground bloody and unconscious. I started shaking violently when I saw his face again. Castle turned me around and laid me in his lap. "Let's go home." Castle whispered in my ear. "What about Josh?" I asked, still crying. "They're on their way." "Ok. Let's go."

By the time we got into the parking garage it was 9:03. When we exited to car a white van sped into a parking space screeching. I instantly thought of the van that Josh threw me in and started to run. But this time Castle caught me and made me look at the van. "No! NO! Help! Castle let me go!" I screamed. Why did he want me to get kidnapped? "NO, please Kate just look." Castle said trying to calm me down but to no avail. I still screamed and kicked in Castle's arms. Castle planted me on the ground, arms still placed around me, tight. I turned away and cried louder than ever before. I gave up and started to have a mental breakdown. I started mumbling and crying and shaking and struggling to breathe. Castle then picked me up and carried me to the loft before I got to see who came out of the van. Good. Castle rushed into the loft, and laid me on the couch, kneeling next to me grabbing my hand, and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I then fell asleep knowing that he was my one and done.

When I woke up James had just gotten home form being out with Martha and Alexis. Castle was still by my side sleeping. It was about lunch time, so we'd been sleeping for over 12 hours. "Mommy! Daddy!" James said hopping over to us with the biggest smile on his face. Castle shot up off the couch. "Hey buddy." He said rustling James' hair and tickling his stomach. His laugh was priceless. "Why is he so hyper?" I asked noticing how James was constantly jumping up and down. "He had a bunch of candy, and ice cream." Alexis said. "Why?" "He ate lunch and Grams gave him candy, and he finished it as I was coming out just as Grams left and I gave him ice cream." "Ah ok." said picking James up and laying him on the couch with me trying to calm him down, at least a little bit. It wasn't working. James was jumping around so much, so I sat up with him in my lap, James ended up poking me in the eye.

"Ow!" I said setting James on the ground and placing my hand over my eye. Castle grabbed a hold of James and tried to comfort me at the same time. "I'm sorry mommy!" James said starting to tear up. "No, no, no don't cry, it hurt but it was an accident and some accidents are ok. Ok?" I said trying to calm James down. "Do you still love me?" "I will always love you, I never will stop and I never want to stop either, ok?" "Ok, I'm sorry though." "It's ok, just tell me about your two days with Grams and Alexis, ok?"

"Ok." I then watched as my son ran on about some animals, and laughed when he started to stutter because he was talking to fast. I totally forgot about my eye and focused on the tiny boy in front of me.

Thanks for sticking around, hopefully you'll like this chapter! I'll fix things, and then I'll create some mysteries!

     - K

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