Chapter 14: Cat Fights

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Castle shot up immediately shielding me with the covers. "Meredith? What are you doing here?" Castle  said trying to keep me unnoticed. "I thought I would visit my favorite ex and my lovely daughter," She said leaning in closer, inches from his lips, "But don't think you've got the moves because I saw you cover her up," Meredith said leaning farther back, to her standing position. "Psh...I wasn't trying to hide her." "Just let me see her." I slowly sat up, revealing my face, but covering myself with the covers, my curls bouncing, framing my face. "Hi, I'm Kate." I said hesitantly. "Meredith, but don't think your special, because you're probably just a one night stand." "Meredith!" Castle almost yelled. "What, it's true." I couldn't take this," Well actually, I'm his fiance." I said. "Well, well, kitten. But marriages aren't your thing." "Well third time's a charm, and you probably know the saying save the best for last." Meredith shot me a glare. "Meredith," Castle said, "You need to get out." "No," she retaliated, "I'm here to visit my daughter." "Fine. Now get out." Meredith nodded and kissed Castle's cheek, obviously to piss me off. Then she left the bedroom.

    It took all of my strength for me not to get up and run after her. Castle immediately apologized. "I am so sorry, I just- she, I had no idea." he said. It was cute when he stuttered, but I was extremely mad. "Castle, what the hell is wrong with her!" I whispered/screamed. "I know, I know." "Get her to leave." I demanded. "Wow, feisty are we?" "I just want you all to myself. That's it." I leaned in and kissed his lips. "Being jealous just makes you sexy...well even more sexy." "Oh, really?" He just nodded and connected our lips once more. A few minutes later we got a call about a murder. Castle went in to take a shower while I went out to make us coffee. When I exited the bedroom Meredith was in the kitchen so I quickly backed up into the bedroom, but hit the bookshelf with my back, and Meredith immediately turned to face me. "Kacey! Hi!" she said. "It's Kate." I replied. "So you and Ricky, huh?" "Yeah, so why are you really here, Meredith?" "Why do you think I'm here?" "To steal Castle back." "Oh, silly. No I'm not, I'm here to see the lovely thing we made, Alexis. Now let me tell you, that night, was pure-" "Becke-Meredith? I thought you were with Alexis." Castle interrupted. "She's sleeping." "That's a shame." I said under my breath. She didn't here.

    Castle slowly came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. We laughed in synchronization. I could see that the look on Meredith's face was not happy. "Baby, stop. I have to go to work." I said, laughing. Meredith got more angry by the second, but Castle didn't seem to notice it. "Come on babe let's go." I then thought of a great opportunity, making Meredith jealous. So when Castle walked next to me towards the door I slapped his ass. He responded by grabbing mine. We barely made in to the door without attacking each other. Once the door opened Castle shoved up against the frame and kissed my lips down to my neck. Trying to hold in my moans I opened my eyes and saw Meredith giving me the death stare, but I ignored it and put all of my attention towards Castle. We eventually got out of the door and to the crime scene.

    When the day was nearing an end Castle asked to go home. I said yes and that I would be home in about fifteen minutes, and that I just needed to finish some paperwork. We shook hands, giving our all into the handshake, well everything that we couldn't do in the precinct. ONce he left I put my attention towards the paperwork. I wanted to get home before Meredith could get her paws all over Castle. I knew Castle would never cheat because after all we are going to get married, we are after all engaged. But would he stoop that low? Would he cheat on me? I put all those thoughts out of my head and finished the paperwork with record breaking time. It was 7:47 and I would be home by 8:00. When I reached the elevator in the apartment it was 8:01, as I put the keys up to the door I heard talking inside, so I put my ear up to the door. I heard Castle talking, "Yes, Meredith, I do love you, and I'm sorry I ever left you, come here." What did I just hear, I quickly opened the door, to only see Castle and Meredith making out on the couch, her on top of him. I could barely speak, and all I could say was a whisper, with tears in my eyes. "Castle." And I knew he heard me.


    When I reached my loft it was 7:47. I unlocked the door and saw a candlelight dinner. And Meredith in one of Beckett's most beautiful dresses. It didn't flatter her the way it did Beckett. "Meredith what is this, and why do you have Beckett's dress on?" "Because I love you." She said, coming towards me. "Meredith listen, I don't love you. I'm engaged, to a woman who means everything to me, to a woman who has just what I need, a woman who's perfect for me." I smiled at the thought of Beckett, me telling her all of these things in person. Then us spending a night together. "Oh Ricky, the things you don't know could fill a book. But here's the deal..." She went on and on about how our love is meant to be and how Beckett just wants me for my money and looks. This went on for fifteen minutes, and by the time she was finished it was 8:00. I couldn't take it. "What do you expect me to say! Yes, Meredith, I do love you, and I'm sorry I ever left you, come here-" She didn't me finish mocking her, before she attacked me. She threw me on the couch, and started attacking my lips. And then I heard, it. A whisper, and a voice that sounded broken, it whispered in tears, "Castle."


    Castle threw Meredith off of him immediately. "Kate, I she-"he stopped because he saw me. Standing there I was torn, and broken, and crying non stop. "Goodbye Castle." I said turning around and slowly walking away. He grabbed my wrist, and turned saying, "Kate listen, I love you, and no one else, I-" I interrupted him, "Castle just stop, you don't. If you did then you wouldn't have done that, you wouldn't have made out with your ex-wife on the couch knowing that I would come home. So just leave me alone." Finishing that sentence I took of my engagement ring and threw it at Castle. He looked broken, well to bad, because I was too. I then ran out of his apartment and out the door, into the street. Everyone looked at me, they saw my tears and my hurt face. And my dramatic entrance didn't help. I really thought that Castle was the one. But mistakes happen. And mine just happened to ruin my life.

Sorry I haven't updated but I'll try and give you another chapter. It's just I've been busy with extra curricular.


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