Chapter 3: No Answers

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As I regained consciousness I realized I was in the break room. I was surrounded pairs of concerned eyes. "Beckett, you passed out, and were dehydrated. We gave you some water and pulled up your sleeves." Said Ryan. As I looked down I saw that my arms were revealed. "I'm not going to give you any answers." I said sitting up. "Detective," said Gates. "You need to give us answers, we can help you." "But what I don't want any help." I said trying to stand."That's not an option." Castle said placing his hands gently on my shoulders and sitting me back down. I shivered at his touch. He then sat down next to me, continuing to watch me. "Do you want some more water?" Ask Espo, turning around to get me some. "I'm fine." I said, rejecting the water. Espo didn't care, he placed it in my hands, watching me take a sip. "Is it Josh?" Castle said, breaking the tension like a twig.

 "Mr. Castle, what was that? I thought we were going to-." I cut Gates off. "No!" I said, I then choked on my next words. "I love Josh- and- and he loves me." I got that out, I meant none of it though. "Kate-" I cut Gates off again. "What is it with people calling me Kate! Sure that's my name, but it's just too serious. Now I assume I have the rest of the day off, so I'll grab my things and go." I said standing up and walking out the door.Once I reached my desk I grabbed my bags, and phone then walked to the elevator. Once I stepped in and the doors closed I broked down. I threw my stuff to the ground and let all of my tears come. I tried to calm myself down but it wasn't working. I finally managed to gather myself and my things, and then went into my car. I can't go home, I thought. This is Josh's lunch. Dammit. I'll just go for a drive. Once I put my keys into the ignition I just drove. There was no designated destination, only the road ahead.



 Once Beckett left I didn't know what to do. Who had been hurting her. She was strong, but stubborn, and thinks that she can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I figured she was going to go back home. I'll call her house phone, since she probably won't answer her cell. I picked up my phone and dialed the numbers."Hello, who is this?" A male voice said. "It's Castle," I replied, "Is Beckett home yet? She ran out of the precinct. She got sick and the passed out." "Is she ok?" Josh said. "I don't know, but she needs help. Someone's been hurting her. She has bruises on her arms and probably all over her body." I said, not knowing if Beckett would approve of this or not. "Oh my gosh! I never knew. I knew we had been drifting apart, but I'll find a way to bring it up." Josh said, for some reason sounding aggravated. "Ok, thank you so much." I said. Then I hung up the phone.I then went back to the boys to try and help on the case.



 That bitch! How could she! I'm going to hurt her so bad. I gave my conditions and she broke them. She will pay.



 I finally reached home at 7:00. I figured I would tell Josh that since the case was going nowhere, we all decided to go home and get a good night sleep. As I was going up the elevator, I had a funny feeling, it was uneasy, like something bad was going to happen. I decided to ignore it. Once I stuck my key in the door, the feeling returned. Only stronger. I felt like it was telling not to go into my apartment. I slowly took the key out the door, and decided to follow it. As I turned took two steps in the opposite the door opened. It was Josh."Hey Katie." He said smiling devilishly. I finally knew what that feeling meant. Oh dear. "Josh I-." I started but he interrupted me. "No, get inside this house now!" He yelled, I knew I was in trouble, but how did he know, and why. Once one foot got into the door he shoved me to the ground and locked the door."You've been a bad girl." Josh said walking slowly over to me. "I didn't do anything." I said watching him stand over me. "Now you know how I feel about lying." He said kicking me in the ribs, laughing as he watched me cry in pain.  "A little friend of yours called, he said you got sick at work, and then you passed out." He said kneeling next to me.

 "Yeah, so. I'm ok now. And nothing happened." I said hoping he didn't know the full story. But he did. "But nothing happened," he mimicked me and then scoffed, "To hell with that!" he then slapped my face and grabbed a hold of my neck. He held it to the point where everything turned to blurs, and dots. The he released."I know that he knows. Why would you tell him? I warned you, and told you the consequences. Now I'm giving you the consequence. Then I'm going to go meet up with Mr. Castle and give him his." he then started to unbutton my blouse. "Josh I- I swear to you that I didn't tell him." I managed to get out still struggling to breathe. "It doesn't matter," he said taking off my blouse, "He still found out, and that's what I didn't want. Now you're going to do exactly as I say. The fun will now begin. Take off your pants. I did as I was told, I wanted to avoid pain.

 Once he was done I was left in just my bra and underwear. He took off his shirt but left on his pants. He then climbed on top of me, and started to feel my body. I felt sick. He must have saw my disgusted look, because he punched my face, and my ribs. He then took of my underwear which left me in my bra. "Now take of my pants, and play with me." He said and I started to cry. I couldn't. Everything in my body screamed not to. I didn't move. "Don't be a hoe, do it." I said leaning closer to my face. "No." I whispered. He heard and I prepared for what was going to happen. Nothing happened. I then opened my eyes and saw him standing up. "Ok." he said. I was scared. He never did this. Something bad must be coming. "What?" I said said, my voice was strained. "I said ok, open your ears bitch," he said "but on the other hand..." was all he said before he started beating me. He hit my face, my chest, my stomach, my ribs, and more. I screamed and tossed and turned but he kneeled down again, and held me still. After a few more punches he put himself in me. I couldn't help but cry.

  As I wailed he continued. He continued violating me, and hurting me. Once he was done he got up like nothing even happened. "Now, tomorrow you're going to call in sick, and leave the door locked. If anyone comes if, what I gave you tonight, will not compare to what I'll do to you if anyone comes." he then left and I heard the bedroom door lock.Eventually I managed to get my underwear and shirt back on. I figured that if I could make it out the door I could get help. Maybe a neighbor would let me in, and help me. Rescue me. As I crawled in agony to the door, I reached for the knob, letting out a cry of pain. As I placed my hand on the knob, I was quickly pulled away my angry hands, and violated.

It's going to get better I promise :)

- K

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